studi yang mengeksplorasi tantangan dan pencapaian dalam pemberdayaan perempuan kepala keluarga di Indonesia. Penelitian ini fokus pada studi kasus di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Jawa Barat, Kalimantan Barat, dan Nusa Tenggara Timur untuk mengevaluasi akses mereka terhadap keadilan dan sumber daya.
The composition of households frequently change due to births, deaths, divorces, marriages, the departure of children from home, and other compositional changes. Consequently, a large number of people undergo some fundamental change in household arrangements during relatively short periods of time.
The movement of people from rural to urban areas, popularly known as urbanization, is a common phenomenon observed all over the world during a country’s process of development. The Harris-Todaro model has long been used to explain this phenomenon. In general, the prevalence of higher average incomes in urban areas has attracted large numbers of rural people to move to urban areas (Harris and …
Abstrak buku "Peran Perlindungan Sosial dan Menangani Masalah Kerawanan Pangan dan Gizi-Kurang di Indonesia: Sebuah Pendekatan Gender" memberikan pandangan tentang bagaimana perlindungan sosial dapat berperan dalam mengatasi masalah kerawanan pangan dan gizi kurang di Indonesia, dengan mempertimbangkan aspek gender.
We assess the financial risk of ill health for households in Indonesia, the role of informal coping strategies, and the effectiveness of these strategies in smoothing consumption. Based on household panel data, we find evidence of financial risk from illness through medical expenses, while income from informal wage labor is exposed to risk for the poor and income from self-employed business act…
Despite progress in poverty reduction during the last four decades, Indonesia is still plagued by a high rate of multidimensional poverty and deprivation. The 2009 monetary poverty rate of 14.15% is 5.95 percentage points higher than the government’s initial target, while, in other dimensions of poverty, Indonesia lags behind its neighbors. There are opportunities for accelerating poverty red…