In compliance with the directions from the President, the Noncash Food Assistance Program (Bantuan Pangan Nontunai, BPNT) has been implemented in the context of reforming the Rastra Rice Subsidy Program. The main objective of such food assistance transformation is to ensure that Family Beneficiaries (Keluarga Penerima Manfaat/KPM) would receive the rice in the correct amount, at the right time …
The instructions from the President of the Republic of Indonesia in several Limited Cabinet Meetings serve as the basis for implementing transformation of the Raskin/Rastra Program into the Noncash Food Assistance (Bantuan Pangan Nontunai/BPNT) in the form of food electronic voucher (e-voucher). The main objective of the BPNT Program is to improve the effectiveness and accuracy of the program …
Perlindungan sosial masyarakat akan pangan diberikan dalam bentuk bantuan sosial pangan kepada Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM) dari kelompok masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah/keluarga miskin dan rentan. Bantuan sosial pangan bertujuan untuk mengurangi beban pengeluaran keluarga miskin dan rentan tersebut dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pangannya.