Drawing on the substitution axiom formulated by Basu and Van (1998) this study examines the nature of relationship between parental income and child labor supply in Indonesia. To estimate such relationship, we are benefited by panel data from the last two waves of Indonesia Family Life Survey (2007 and 2014). We tackle the potential endogeneity in parental income by controlling for parental fix…
Over the two decades to 2019, a decentralised Indonesia has made significant progress in reducing the poverty rate by more than 50 percent. Despite a significant decline at the national level, progress in poverty reduction has been uneven across districts. This study aims to investigate those factors that may explain these regional variations using panel regressions. Using district panel data s…
Buku "Tinjauan Ekonomi, Keuangan, & Fiskal" menawarkan analisis mendalam tentang dinamika ekonomi, kebijakan keuangan, dan fiskal yang membentuk perekonomian suatu negara. Buku ini menyajikan wawasan yang komprehensif tentang berbagai aspek yang mempengaruhi stabilitas dan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Buku "Tinjauan Ekonomi, Keuangan, & Fiskal" menawarkan analisis mendalam tentang dinamika ekonomi, kebijakan keuangan, dan fiskal yang membentuk perekonomian suatu negara. Buku ini menyajikan wawasan yang komprehensif tentang berbagai aspek yang mempengaruhi stabilitas dan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Buku "Tinjauan Ekonomi, Keuangan, & Fiskal" menawarkan analisis mendalam tentang dinamika ekonomi, kebijakan keuangan, dan fiskal yang membentuk perekonomian suatu negara. Buku ini menyajikan wawasan yang komprehensif tentang berbagai aspek yang mempengaruhi stabilitas dan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Centralised targeting registries are increasingly used to allocate social assistance benefits in developing countries. This paper provides the first attempt to identify the relative importance of two key design issues for targeting accuracy: (1) which households to survey for inclusion in the targeting registry and (2) how to rank surveyed households. We evaluate the performance of Indonesia’…
Keberhasilan program penurunan prevalensi stunting memerlukan data dan informasi yang akurat dan tepat waktu sebagai dasar penetapan target dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Riskesdas digunakan untuk menghasilkan indikator guna melihat status kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia dan memantau berbagai keberhasilan program pemerintah di sektor kesehatan, sementara itu Susenas digunakan untuk menghasilkan …
Traditional poverty measures fail to indicate the degree of risk of becoming or remaining poor that households are confronted to. They can therefore be misleading in the context of implementing poverty reduction policies. In this paper I propose a method to estimate an index of ex ante vulnerability to poverty, defined as the probability of being poor in the (near) future given current observab…
In this study, we here examine one of the mostly studied education project in developing countries, the school construction program (INPRES) in Indonesia, on household labor allocation and earning. The effect of (expanding) education on earning has been welldocumented in the literature but the results are mixed when it comes to mechanics on how education affects earnings. In addition to revisit…
We evaluate household participation in the Indonesian Raskin program, a national rice price subsidy program for the poor. Using a household panel from the 2000 and 2007 rounds of the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS), we evaluate program participation over the duration of the year prior to the 2007 survey using four different measures of participation. We find that although the poor as a who…