In this study, we here examine one of the mostly studied education project in developing countries, the school construction program (INPRES) in Indonesia, on household labor allocation and earning. The effect of (expanding) education on earning has been welldocumented in the literature but the results are mixed when it comes to mechanics on how education affects earnings. In addition to revisit…
Kemiskinan pada dasarnya adalah ketidakmampuan untuk memenuhi suatu standar hidup tertentu. Ukuran kemiskinan yang banyak digunakan di negara berkembang adalah kemiskinan absolut yang membandingkan pendapatan atau pengeluaran rumah tangga dengan garis kemiskinan. Garis tersebut didasarkan pada pengeluaran atau pendapatan minimum untuk memperoleh: (i) sejumlah makanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ka…
Poverty is essentially the inability to meet certain basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. The measurement of poverty commonly used in developing countries is absolute poverty, which compares household income or expenditures and the poverty line. The line is based upon the minimum expenditures or income needed to obtain: (i) a quantity of food to fulfill certain calorie needs; and (i…