This study explores the concept of rethinking social protection through a gender lens, emphasizing the importance of addressing gender disparities in social policies and programs. Social protection measures are crucial for promoting gender equality and women's empowerment by ensuring equal access to resources, opportunities, and benefits.
Penelitian ini menyajikan panduan pencacahan untuk survei perlindungan sosial dalam rangka Integrasi Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) 2013 Triwulan I. Pedoman ini ditujukan bagi para pencacah untuk memastikan pengumpulan data yang akurat dan konsisten terkait berbagai aspek perlindungan sosial di Indonesia. Survei ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi efektivitas program…
Abstrak buku "Peran Perlindungan Sosial dan Menangani Masalah Kerawanan Pangan dan Gizi-Kurang di Indonesia: Sebuah Pendekatan Gender" memberikan pandangan tentang bagaimana perlindungan sosial dapat berperan dalam mengatasi masalah kerawanan pangan dan gizi kurang di Indonesia, dengan mempertimbangkan aspek gender.
Abstrak dari laporan penelitian tentang "Peran Program Perlindungan Sosial dalam Meredam Dampak Krisis Keuangan Global 2008/09" membahas tentang strategi pemerintah dalam menggunakan program perlindungan sosial untuk mengurangi dampak negatif dari krisis keuangan global yang terjadi pada tahun 2008/09.
This abstract focuses on the national dialogue and assessment process aimed at establishing a comprehensive social protection floor tailored to Indonesia's specific socio-economic context. The initiative aims to evaluate existing social protection measures and formulate policies that ensure a minimum level of social security for all citizens.
The Social Protection in Asia (SPA) program represents a comprehensive policy-research and network-building initiative aimed at enhancing social protection frameworks across the Asian continent. This abstract synthesizes key research findings and policy lessons derived from the SPA program.
This review explores the landscape of social protection initiatives in East and Southeast Asia, providing an in-depth analysis of policies, programs, and their implications for socioeconomic development across the region. East and Southeast Asia encompass diverse economies, including developed countries like Japan and South Korea, emerging economies like China and Vietnam, and rapidly industria…
This review examines the landscape of social protection initiatives in South Asia, encompassing a comprehensive analysis of the region's policies, programs, and their impact on socioeconomic development. South Asia, comprising countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and Maldives, faces diverse challenges related to poverty, inequality, and vulnerability.
Pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan basis data terpadu untuk program perlindungan sosial merupakan aspek penting dalam memastikan efisiensi, efektivitas, dan keadilan dalam pelaksanaan program tersebut. Melalui integrasi data dari berbagai sumber, termasuk data demografis, ekonomi, dan kesehatan, basis data terpadu memungkinkan identifikasi dan targeting yang lebih tepat terhadap penerima manfaat, sert…
Indonesia is gradually becoming an ageing society. According to Susenas 2019, the number of citizens 60 years of age or older or elderly people in Indonesia has reached 25.7 million people, or about 9.6 percent of the total population (BPS 2019). The number of elderly people is predicted to continue to rise–to around 10 percent in 2020 and 20 percent by 2040 (BPS 2018, quoted in TNP2K and MAH…