A historic achievement is within reach. We can be the generation that ends poverty, forever. For the first time, it is feasible to imagine that in the next couple of decades no child will die from preventable causes, every child will go to school, every child will have protection from violence and we will eradicate absolute poverty.
Evaluasi kebijakan pemerintah daerah dalam pemberian jaminan hak kesehatan bagi masyarakat miskis bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebijakan pemerintah daerah dalam pemberian jaminan kesehatan bagi masyarakat mis, dan kendala-kendala dalam pelaksanaannya.
Buku "Grand Design Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Perdesaan" menawarkan strategi komprehensif untuk mengatasi kemiskinan di wilayah pedesaan Indonesia. Fokus utama buku ini adalah menciptakan kebijakan yang menyentuh aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan secara integratif dan berkelanjutan.
Buku "Bunga Rampai: Opini untuk Bangsa" adalah kumpulan esai dan tulisan yang disusun dari berbagai pemikir dan tokoh masyarakat yang memberikan pandangan mereka mengenai berbagai isu nasional yang penting. Buku ini menawarkan perspektif yang kaya dan beragam tentang bagaimana bangsa ini dapat menghadapi tantangan-tantangan yang ada, serta upaya-upaya yang bisa dilakukan untuk memajukan Indones…
A Regional Meeting to Build Intermovement Linkages in Poverty, Food Sovereignty, and SRHR in South Asia" provides an insightful overview of a collaborative initiative aimed at fostering synergies and alliances between movements addressing poverty, food sovereignty, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) issues in South Asia.
Buku "Dokumen SPKD Strategi Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Daerah Tahun 2012-2014 Aceh Barat" adalah sebuah dokumen strategis yang merinci rencana dan langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi kemiskinan di wilayah Aceh Barat selama periode tahun 2012 hingga 2014. Dalam buku ini, pembaca akan dibimbing melalui pemahaman mendalam tentang kondisi kemiskinan di wilayah tersebut, serta berbagai strategi yang dius…
Influenced by the condition of young children within its own country and by the pattern of international evidence about the value of Early Childhood Education and Development (ECED), the government of Indonesia has implemented policies and programs that prioritize the early years of children's lives. The first critical step was taken in 2001, when a new directorate dedicated to early childhood …
Privatization has become an important world-wide phenomenon, and this book is an important contribution to our knowledge about it. Most people assume that privatization is relevant to loss-producing state-owned industrial sectors, but that the logic of the market is inapplicable to areas of traditional social responsibility. This book, which happily is not overly technical, challenges that assu…
Despite progress in poverty reduction during the last four decades, Indonesia is still plagued by a high rate of multidimensional poverty and deprivation. The 2009 monetary poverty rate of 14.15% is 5.95 percentage points higher than the government’s initial target, while, in other dimensions of poverty, Indonesia lags behind its neighbors. There are opportunities for accelerating poverty red…
With the growing intensity of urban problems, most notably poverty, it is imperative to identify the range of related aspects that help or hinder urban poverty reduction efforts. One emerging aspect is the role of city spatial planning in urban poverty reduction efforts. With the support from Ford Foundation, The SMERU Research Institute conducted a study to understand the connection between ci…