Social health insurance in Indonesia dates from the 1990s but recently in 2014, the government announced its ambition to achieve universal coverage within five years. Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) integrates all existing social health insurance schemes under one manager and one payer, the central Ministry of Health. Compared to previous schemes, JKN offers more generous benefits and can be a…
Social Health Insurance plays a crucial role in ensuring equitable access to healthcare services, particularly for the poor and vulnerable populations. Indonesia's Askeskin program serves as a case study in this research, focusing on its targeting mechanisms and the impact on healthcare accessibility and financial protection.
The guidelines for the disbursement of the 2016 Livestock Cattle Insurance Premium Assistance outline the procedures and criteria for distributing financial support aimed at enhancing the resilience of cattle farmers against risks in Indonesia. This document provides operational guidance to stakeholders involved in implementing and managing the livestock insurance premium assistance program.
The guidelines for the disbursement of the 2016 Rice Farmer Crop Insurance Premium Assistance outline the procedures and criteria for the distribution of financial support aimed at enhancing the resilience of rice farmers against agricultural risks. This document provides operational guidance to stakeholders involved in the implementation and management of the insurance premium assistance program.
Given the improvement in health indicators and health facilities worldwide, inequity in access to health services is one of the most pertinent and relevant issues for health policy and public health. This paper analyses the extent of the access inequities to various health care services in Indonesia, in conjunction with its recent rapid move towards universal social health insurance (SHI). The …
Asuransi kesejahteraan sosial (Askesos) merupakan salah satu asuransi sosial yang ditujukan kepada pekerja mandiri di sektor informal. Ada banyal perbedaan antara Askesos dengan program asuransi sosial lainnya diantaranya lembaga pelaksana, penerima manfaat dan sumber dana untuk pembayaran klain
To assess ways to achieve widespread, financially sustainable health insurance coverage in developing countries, we designed a randomised experiment involving almost 6,000 households in Indonesia who are subject to a nationally mandated government health insurance program (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional: JKN). We assessed several interventions that simple theory and prior evidence suggest could inc…
Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional merupakan program Pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian jaminan kesehatan yang menyeluruh bagi setiap rakyat Indonesia agar penduduk indonesia dapat hidup sehat, produktif, dan sejahtera.
Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional merupakan program Pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian jaminan kesehatan yang menyeluruh bagi setiap rakyat Indonesia agar penduduk indonesia dapat hidup sehat, produktif, dan sejahtera.
The "Baseline Study for the Socioeconomic Impact of the Tamadera Insurance Program in Jakarta" presents a comprehensive examination of the Tamadera Insurance Program's socioeconomic implications in Jakarta, Indonesia. This study meticulously investigates the program's baseline conditions, evaluating its effectiveness in addressing socio-economic vulnerabilities and enhancing resilience among pa…