sebuah lembaga riset independen yang berbasis di Jakarta, Indonesia. SMERU didirikan pada tahun 2001 dengan fokus utama pada penelitian dan analisis kebijakan ekonomi dan sosial di Indonesia. Lembaga ini mengkhususkan diri dalam menyediakan data, analisis, dan rekomendasi kebijakan untuk mendukung pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi yang inklusif di Indonesia.
The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China has been implementing a series of poverty reduction and inclusive growth strategies, which have contributed to significant socio-economic improvements in the region. This study examines the practices and outcomes of these initiatives, focusing on the mechanisms and policies that have driven poverty alleviation and promoted inclusive growth.
Studi ini mempelajari data kualitatif tentang mengapa sebagian orang Indonesia tidak menggunakan pelayanan dasar kesehatan ibu dan anak dan mengapa sebagian orang Indonesia tidak menyekolahkan anak mereka ke sekolah dasar atau sekolah menengah pertama. Data ini akan dijadikan sebagai data dasar (baseline) bagi kegiatan evaluasi PNPM Generasi (Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Generasi Se…
Conceptually, the effect of child labor on human capital is ambiguous. On one hand, working can displace schooling. Even in the case where working and schooling go hand-in-hand, the negative effect of working can come through reducing time available for studying, playing, and sleeping.
This study measures the relative role of poverty and scholastic ability on education attainment in developing countries, where a substantial portion of the population still live in poverty and poor people are markedly credit constrained. Different from most studies in developing countries, this paper uses a multiple-wave and long-spanning panel dataset that follows a cohort of children beginnin…
The composition of households frequently change due to births, deaths, divorces, marriages, the departure of children from home, and other compositional changes. Consequently, a large number of people undergo some fundamental change in household arrangements during relatively short periods of time.
The global financial crisis (GFC) that swept over the world in 2008/09 had an influence on the Indonesian economy. In an attempt to reduce the impact of the GFC, the government introduced a Fiscal Stimulus Program (FSP) in 2009 in order to encourage economic growth. The program consisted of two main elements, namely, tax cuts and increased government spending.
The movement of people from rural to urban areas, popularly known as urbanization, is a common phenomenon observed all over the world during a country’s process of development. The Harris-Todaro model has long been used to explain this phenomenon. In general, the prevalence of higher average incomes in urban areas has attracted large numbers of rural people to move to urban areas (Harris and …
The mission of the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) is to coordinate poverty alleviation policies in Indonesia. As part of its tasks, TNP2K conducts and commissions research reports and studies with the objective of facilitating and informing evidence-based policy planning ( This report is the result of the Corporate Social Responsibility …
Pelaksanaan program-program penanggulangan kemiskinan berbasis pemberdayaan yang menggunakan pendekatan Community Demand Driven (CDD), yang dimulai sejak tahun 2007, dilaksanakan di seluruh di Indonesia yang meliputi 6,781 Kecamatan dengan 78,582 Desa/Kelurahan yang telah mendapatkan program PNPM Mandiri.