"Nation of Nations: A Narrative History of The American Republic Volume II: Since 1865" adalah volume kedua dari seri sejarah yang menawarkan narasi mendalam mengenai sejarah Amerika Serikat setelah tahun 1865. Buku ini mencakup periode pasca-Perang Saudara Amerika hingga era modern, dan menyajikan analisis menyeluruh tentang perkembangan politik, sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya di Amerika Serikat.
"Readings in the Western Humanities, Volume I: Beginnings Through the Renaissance, Sixth Edition" is a foundational text that introduces readers to the major works and ideas from the early civilizations through the Renaissance. This volume spans ancient Greece and Rome, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance, highlighting key literary, philosophical, and artistic achievements. It features selecti…
"Readings in the Western Humanities, Volume II: The Renaissance to the Present" is a comprehensive anthology that covers significant works and themes from the Renaissance through contemporary times. It explores key literary, philosophical, and artistic contributions that have shaped Western thought and culture. This volume typically includes selections from influential figures such as Shakespea…
dokumen yang merekam hasil dari sebuah diskusi penting mengenai hubungan antara kota Ende, Presiden Soekarno, dan ideologi Pancasila. Diskusi ini dilaksanakan di Ende, Flores, dan berlangsung pada 29-30 November 2012, dengan tujuan untuk mendalami pengaruh dan kontribusi kota tersebut dalam pembentukan dan pengembangan Pancasila sebagai dasar negara Republik Indonesia.
Traditions & Encounters offers an inclusive vision of the global past―one that is meaningful and appropriate for the interdependent world of contemporary times. Given the diversity of human societies, gathering and organizing the sheer mass of information in a meaningful way is a daunting challenge for any world history survey course. The seven-part chronological organization enables students…
For your classes in American History, McGraw-Hill introduces the latest in its acclaimed M Series. The M Series started with your students. McGraw-Hill conducted extensive market research to gain insight into students' studying and buying behavior. Students told us they wanted more portable texts with innovative visual appeal and content that is designed according to the way they learn. We also…
For your classes in American History, McGraw-Hill introduces the latest in its acclaimed M Series. The M Series started with your students. McGraw-Hill conducted extensive market research to gain insight into students' studying and buying behavior. Students told us they wanted more portable texts with innovative visual appeal and content that is designed according to the way they learn. We also…
Traditions & Encounters offers an inclusive vision of the global past―one that is meaningful and appropriate for the interdependent world of contemporary times. Given the diversity of human societies, gathering and organizing the sheer mass of information in a meaningful way is a daunting challenge for any world history survey course.
Sejarah membuktikan, konsep batas wilayah negara Indonesia merupakan perjuangan putra putri terbaik bangsa. Melalui Deklarasi Djuanda pada 13 Desember 1957 misalnya, para pendiri bangsa berusaha menerapkan asas negara kepulauan ke dunia Internasional.
Buku ini merupakan hasil dari disertasi doktoral Adrian B Lapian di Jurusan Sejarah UGM pada tahun 1986. Sebagai seorang sejarawan maritim kawakan Indonesia, Lapian menyajikan fakta-fakta historis yang begitu kaya mengenai seluk-beluk kemaritiman yang pernah ada di Nusantara, khususnya di wilayah laut Indonesia bagian timur. Karya ini mengupas tuntas mengenai orang laut, bajak laut, dan raja la…