Kemiskinan pada dasarnya adalah ketidakmampuan untuk memenuhi suatu standar hidup tertentu. Ukuran kemiskinan yang banyak digunakan di negara berkembang adalah kemiskinan absolut yang membandingkan pendapatan atau pengeluaran rumah tangga dengan garis kemiskinan. Garis tersebut didasarkan pada pengeluaran atau pendapatan minimum untuk memperoleh: (i) sejumlah makanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ka…
Poverty is essentially the inability to meet certain basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. The measurement of poverty commonly used in developing countries is absolute poverty, which compares household income or expenditures and the poverty line. The line is based upon the minimum expenditures or income needed to obtain: (i) a quantity of food to fulfill certain calorie needs; and (i…
Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa membawa perubahan mendasar dalam pengelolaan, pengaturan dan pelaksanaan pemerintahan desa. Khusus keuangan desa, UU tersebut mengatur sumber pendapatan desa yang dapat berimplikasi pada alokasi anggaran khusus bagi desa, baik yang bersumber dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara maupun Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah. Sejak tahun 2015, alok…
Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa membawa perubahan mendasar dalam pengelolaan, pengaturan dan pelaksanaan pemerintahan desa. Khusus keuangan desa, UU tersebut mengatur sumber pendapatan desa yang dapat berimplikasi pada alokasi anggaran khusus bagi desa, baik yang bersumber dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara maupun Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah. Sejak tahun 2015, alok…
Database used to target social programs in Indonesia was updated every three years. Exclusion error and poverty dynamics in Indonesia have raised the question whether updating is required within that three year period. In this paper, we assess this issue by employing Susenas panel data to track changes in household characteristics and consumption mobility within three years. We find that househ…
Many developing country governments determine eligibility for anti-poverty programs using censuses of household assets. Does this distort subsequent reporting of, or actual purchases of, those assets? We ran a nationwide experiment in Indonesia where, in randomly selected provinces, the government added questions on flat-screen televisions and cell-phone SIM cards to the targeting census admini…
The main finding of this study indicates that the Village Fund program has caused an increase in rural residents’ per capita expenditure. This study also finds that the magnitude of this increase in per capita expenditure varies by regional characteristics. Firstly, per capita expenditure in areas having good infrastructure is higher compared to per capita expenditure in areas having poorer i…
Village funding in the amount of Rp 257.2 trillion in the past five years (2015-2019) uses a scheme that shares funding equitably. This is evident from the proportion of village funds (90 percent) that was divided equally (2015-2017) (Ministry of Finance, November 2017). This study aims to prove that the achievements of village development are not only due to the impact of the Village Fund Prog…