Buku ini adalah panduan praktis yang memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang teknik dan prinsip dasar dalam membangun bangunan sederhana. Dengan menguraikan 12 aturan kunci, pembaca diperkenalkan pada langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk merancang dan membangun struktur yang kokoh dan fungsional. Melalui penjelasan yang jelas dan ilustrasi yang menarik, pembaca diajak untuk memahami konsep-konsep …
Despite progress in poverty reduction during the last four decades, Indonesia is still plagued by a high rate of multidimensional poverty and deprivation. The 2009 monetary poverty rate of 14.15% is 5.95 percentage points higher than the government’s initial target, while, in other dimensions of poverty, Indonesia lags behind its neighbors. There are opportunities for accelerating poverty red…
n line with the process of democratization, the Government is fully aware that implementation of the National Strategy requires active participation from various parties and stakeholders. Justice issues, especially for poor and marginalized community members and women, have complex dimensions and require a multidimensional approach. For these reasons, the Government welcomes and supports every …
Southeast Asia is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world. With a combined GDP of USD 2.767 trillion, the region spans a market of 646 million people and attracts almost onefifth of global FDI inflow annually. Over the next five years, growth is set to remain robust in Southeast Asia, at an average of 5.2%. Its vast endowments of natural resources, an expanding middle c…
Th e intention behind HDRs is to place human development at the forefront of the development agenda, both at the national and local level. Th ey provide an instrument which can be used to review progress, compare indicators of wellbeing among diff erent social groups, and identify those persons who are been left behind in the development process. Equally important, HDRs aim to spur debate o…
Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia untuk Keadilan dan Demokrasi, disingkat Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia dikukuhkan melalui Kongres Perempuan Indonesia di Yogyakarta pada Kamis, tanggal 17 Desember 1998. Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia pertama kali diumumkan berdirinya pada tanggal 18 Mei 1998 oleh sekelompok perempuan aktivis di Jakarta dengan dukungan 75 aktivis perempuan dari berbagai daerah yang menyetu…
With the growing intensity of urban problems, most notably poverty, it is imperative to identify the range of related aspects that help or hinder urban poverty reduction efforts. One emerging aspect is the role of city spatial planning in urban poverty reduction efforts. With the support from Ford Foundation, The SMERU Research Institute conducted a study to understand the connection between ci…
The government is aware that the issue of rising inequality is an extremely urgent issue to be addressed. Targets for reducing inequality have also been established in the 2015–2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), namely reducing the Gini index of 0.41 in 2014 to 0.36 in 2019. However, the decline in the Gini index since 2014 until now is not considered significant; the Gini in…
Financial inclusion advanced last year. Providers and policy makers accelerated efforts to translate their better understanding of demand-side needs into new product and policy approaches. Business model innovation aimed at increasing reach and lowering costs continued apace, in particular through the use of new technologies.
Arnheim's Principles of Athletic Training: A Competency-Based Approach" is the leading text in the athletic training field. The text is designed to lead the student from general foundations to specific concepts relative to injury prevention, evaluation, management, and rehabilitation.