This paper draws on a rapid qualitative assessment of the impact of the financial crisis in Indonesia, to generate hypotheses about the potential national impacts. We test these hypotheses using nationally representative labour force surveys from before and after the onset of the financial crisis. We find that Indonesia weathered the storm rather well: there is no evidence for increased school …
Makalah ini disusun berdasarkan hasil penilaian kualitatif cepat terhadap dampak krisis keuangan di Indonesia dengan maksud untuk membangun hipotesis mengenai potensi yang berdampak nasional. Kami menguji hipotesis ini dengan menggunakan survei angkatan kerja nasional sebelum dan beberapa saat setelah terjadinya krisis keuangan.
This paper draws on a rapid qualitative assessment of the impact of the financial crisis in Indonesia to generate hypotheses about the potential national impacts. We test these hypotheses using nationally representative labor force surveys from before and after the onset of the financial crisis. We find that Indonesia weathered the storm rather well: there is no evidence for increased school dr…