Bahan Paparan ini mengulas kinerja penanggulangan kemiskinan di tingkat nasional serta pendekatan penargetan yang berfokus pada wilayah. Dari analisis mendalam tentang keberhasilan dan tantangan dalam mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan secara nasional hingga penekanan pada strategi penargetan yang memperhitungkan perbedaan kondisi di setiap wilayah, pembaca akan disajikan dengan wawasan yang luas. …
Land-clearing forest fires in Indonesia cause enormous private and social losses from greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, habitat destruction, worsened human health, and strained international relations. These fires are almost always deliberately set, often by smallholders as they seek to expand farm size. The Government of Indonesia has taken primarily a regulatory approach to preventing …
The aim of this study was twofold. First, although a number of empirical studies exist on income poverty in Indonesia, very few have examined multidimensional household welfare deprivations. We attempted to fill this gap by using for the first time the annually conducted National Socioeconomic Survey by Statistics Indonesia (BPS), and the Alkire and Foster (2007; 2011) methodology to investigat…
The composition of households frequently change due to births, deaths, divorces, marriages, the departure of children from home, and other compositional changes. Consequently, a large number of people undergo some fundamental change in household arrangements during relatively short periods of time.
The aim of this study is twofold. First, despite the vast empirical literature on testing the neoclassical model of economic growth using cross-country data, very few studies exist at the subnational level. We attempted to fill this gap by using panel data for 2002–12, a modified neoclassical growth equation, and a dynamic-panel estimator to investigate the effect of both health and education…
Bantuan tunai bersyarat telah menjadi fokus utama kebijakan publik di banyak negara dalam upaya mengurangi kemiskinan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dampak politik dari bantuan tunai bersyarat dengan menggunakan bukti dari eksperimen kebijakan acak.
Studi ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki heterogenitas kemiskinan di tingkat daerah di Indonesia selama era desentralisasi. Desentralisasi merupakan fenomena yang penting dalam konteks Indonesia, di mana kewenangan dalam pengelolaan sumber daya dan pembangunan dialihkan dari pemerintah pusat ke pemerintah daerah.
This paper assesses the relationship between economic growth and poverty reduction in Indonesia before and after the Asian financial crisis (AFC). Indonesia has a significantly slower poverty reduction post-AFC compared to the pre-AFC era. The trend in the growth elasticity of poverty indicates that the power of each% of economic growth to reduce poverty did not change greatly between the p…
This paper analyzes the impact of violent conflict on economic activity using micro level data sources from Indonesia. The study compiled a panel dataset at the kabupaten level for the period 2002-2008, and attempted to disentangle the overall negative effect of violent conflict on economic growth into its sectoral components. We find substantial differences across sectors, with the most detrim…