Governments seeking to provide food assistance have a choice between providing in-kind food directly to beneficiaries, or providing vouchers that can be used to purchase food on the market. To understand the differences between these policies, the Government of Indonesia randomly phased in the transition from in-kind delivery of subsidized rice to approximately equivalent vouchers usable to buy…
Governments seeking to provide food assistance have a choice between providing in-kind food directly to beneficiaries, or providing vouchers that can be used to purchase food on the market. To understand the differences between these policies, the Government of Indonesia randomly phased in the transition from in-kind delivery of subsidized rice to approximately equivalent vouchers usable to buy…
Program Raskin merupakan program penting dalam melindungi kesejahteraan masyarakat miskin dan rentan, mengingat nilai konsumsi beras merupakan komponen pengeluaran terbesar dalam pengeluaran rumah tangga miskin. Namun, walaupun penting, hasil temuan dari beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa program Raskin tampaknya belum seefektif yang diharapkan. Belum optimalnya efektivitas Raskin ditunjukkan den…
In this study, we here examine one of the mostly studied education project in developing countries, the school construction program (INPRES) in Indonesia, on household labor allocation and earning. The effect of (expanding) education on earning has been welldocumented in the literature but the results are mixed when it comes to mechanics on how education affects earnings. In addition to revisit…
We evaluate household participation in the Indonesian Raskin program, a national rice price subsidy program for the poor. Using a household panel from the 2000 and 2007 rounds of the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS), we evaluate program participation over the duration of the year prior to the 2007 survey using four different measures of participation. We find that although the poor as a who…
We investigate the impact of behavioural interventions on asset misreporting in the context of welfare benefits in Indonesia. Benefiting from a policy change allowing households to self-report their assets, we employ a series of framed field experiments with 599 welfare benefit applicants in 26 Indonesian villages to test whether two text stimuli interventions discourage dishonest asset self-re…
Pensasaran program berdasarkan rumah tangga dan wilayah menjadi langkah penting dalam memastikan bahwa program-program penanggulangan kemiskinan dapat menjangkau sasaran dengan tepat dan efektif. Pendekatan ini memungkinkan penyesuaian program sesuai dengan karakteristik dan kebutuhan khusus yang dimiliki oleh rumah tangga dan wilayah tertentu.
Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) merupakan salah satu program perlindungan sosial yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk membantu mengentaskan kemiskinan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga miskin. Melalui PKH, keluarga miskin mendapatkan bantuan finansial secara berkala, yang dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar seperti pendidikan, kesehatan, dan gizi. Selain itu, program…