Panduan Praktis Safeguard Kebijakan Pengamanan Sosial dan Lingkungan Hidup PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan 2012 ini disusun sebagai referensi untuk memastikan penerapan kebijakan pengamanan sosial dan lingkungan hidup dalam Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri Perdesaan. Panduan ini menguraikan langkah-langkah praktis untuk mengidentifikasi, menilai, dan mengelola dampak sosial dan li…
"REDD+ dan Satgas Kelembagaan REDD+: Sebuah Pengantar" berfungsi sebagai pengantar untuk memahami inisiatif Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) dan Satuan Tugas Kelembagaan REDD+ di Indonesia. Dokumen ini memberikan gambaran umum tentang mekanisme REDD+, tujuannya, dan kerangka kerja institusional yang dibentuk untuk melaksanakan kegiatan REDD+.
The "REDD+ National Strategy June 2012" is a strategic document designed to address deforestation, forest degradation, and climate change through the REDD+ approach (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). This national strategy presents a framework and action plan formulated to guide efforts in sustainable forest management at the national level.
Panduan Membangun Lingkungan Lebih Baik bertujuan untuk menyediakan kerangka kerja dan langkah-langkah praktis dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih sehat, berkelanjutan, dan layak huni. Dokumen ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya pendekatan terpadu yang melibatkan berbagai pemangku kepentingan, termasuk pemerintah, komunitas, sektor swasta, dan individu, dalam upaya perbaikan lingkungan.
The book "REDD+ Indonesia: A Catalyst for Change" reveals the important role of REDD+ in driving change towards sustainable development in Indonesia. By investigating the implementation of REDD+ programs in various local contexts, the authors illustrate how these initiatives have been a catalyst for changes in policies, practices, and community perceptions regarding forest management and climat…
This thesis presents the results of research into the use of natural resources in Berau District, Indonesia, where the environment is considered at risk. Policy change, rapid economic development and the inflow of various population groups are having important implications for the access to and control by populations, forest products, land, marine products and other natural resources. Being one…
This volume of essays is intended to honour an exceptional, indeed a unique scholar. Joan Hardjono grew up in Sydney and graduated from Sydney University in the mid-1950s. She majored in English and Geography and like most girls in those years who had managed to complete a tertiary degree, she probably expected to embark on a career as a high school teacher in Australia. But no doubt prompted b…