The India and Nepal Study Tour: Summary of Lessons and Recommendations from Livelihoods Programs in South Asia provides an in-depth overview of the key insights and recommendations derived from a comparative study of livelihoods programs in India and Nepal. This report synthesizes findings from field visits, interviews, and program evaluations, highlighting successful strategies and practices f…
The "Social Investment Landscape in Asia: Insights from Southeast Asia" report provides an in-depth analysis of the social investment trends, challenges, and opportunities within Southeast Asia. I
Pemerintah Indonesia menghadapi tantangan baru sejak laju penurunan kemiskinan menurun selama 5 tahun belakangan ini. Berbagai program penurunan kemiskinan yang dijalankan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia menjadi terbatas di beberapa wilayah pemerintahan besar, seperti di tingkat kabupaten. Kami menggabungkan Peta Penghidupan Kemiskinan Indonesia tahun 2015 (Peta Kemiskinan) dengan rangkaian data hasi…
This review examines the landscape of social protection initiatives in South Asia, encompassing a comprehensive analysis of the region's policies, programs, and their impact on socioeconomic development. South Asia, comprising countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and Maldives, faces diverse challenges related to poverty, inequality, and vulnerability.
This edited collection brings together enterprising pieces of new research on the many forms of organization in East and Southeast Asia that are sponsored or mandated by government, but engage widespread participation at the grassroots level. Straddling the state-society divide, these organizations play important roles in society and politics, yet remain only dimly understood.
Buku ini memberikan gambaran menyeluruh dari informasi geospasial hasil karya big terbaru. Dan dalam buku ini mencerminkan bahwa informasi geospasial merupakan hal yang harus dibangun dn dikelola dengan baik dan benar sehingga para pemakai dapat memperoleh informasi secara benar dan dipertanggung jawabkan.
A Regional Meeting to Build Intermovement Linkages in Poverty, Food Sovereignty, and SRHR in South Asia" provides an insightful overview of a collaborative initiative aimed at fostering synergies and alliances between movements addressing poverty, food sovereignty, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) issues in South Asia.
Dramatic socio-economic transformations over the last two decades have brought social policy and social welfare issues to prominence in many East Asian societies. Since the 1990s and in response to national as well as global pressure, there have been substantial developments and reforms in social policy in the region but the development paths have been uneven. Until recently, comparative analys…
This paper assesses the relationship between economic growth and poverty reduction in Indonesia before and after the Asian financial crisis (AFC). Indonesia has a significantly slower poverty reduction post-AFC compared to the pre-AFC era. The trend in the growth elasticity of poverty indicates that the power of each% of economic growth to reduce poverty did not change greatly between the p…
Abstract: "Asia Development Institute: Advancing Research and Leadership for Asia" This book serves as a comprehensive guide to the Asia Development Institute (ADI), an organization dedicated to fostering research and leadership development across Asia. Through insightful essays, case studies, and testimonials, the book illuminates ADI's mission, methodologies, and impact in advancing reg…