"A Single Registry for Targeting Social Assistance in Indonesia" adalah sebuah studi yang menganalisis penerapan sistem registri tunggal untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas penyaluran bantuan sosial di Indonesia. Sistem registri tunggal ini dirancang untuk mengintegrasikan data penerima manfaat dari berbagai program bantuan sosial, sehingga memungkinkan identifikasi dan penyaluran bant…
The Rice Subsidy Program for the Poor (Program Subsidi Beras bagi Masyarakat Berpendapatan Rendah/Raskin) is a program that aims to help low-income groups to maintain their welfare and fulfil food needs, particularly rice. Consumption of rice is the largest proportion of expenditure for poor households at nearly 30 percent and even a little fluctuation in the price of rice will lead to a fall i…
Over the past 13 years, the Government of Indonesia (GOI) has moved from a set of temporary, crisis-driven social assistance initiatives towards a more permanent system of social assistance programs. This background paper aims to provide a brief history of the major developments in the GOI's household-targeted social assistance policy and programs with more limited discussion of supply-side and…