Indikator pembangunan berjalan sangat dinamis sejalan dengan program dan respons kebijakan pemerintah. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah membutuhkan perkiraan angka kemiskinan pada suatu periode tertentu sesuai dengan perkembangan indikator pembentuknya. Angka tersebut dibutuhkan oleh pemerintah untuk memastikan kebijakan yang dijalankan dapat mencapai sasaran sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan. D…
Profil kemiskinan Desa Kabupaten Kutai Timur menggambarkan kondisi ekonomi dan sosial dari sudut pandang kemiskinan di wilayah tersebut. Ini mencakup berbagai faktor seperti tingkat pendapatan, akses terhadap layanan dasar seperti pendidikan dan kesehatan, infrastruktur, serta akses terhadap program perlindungan sosial.
Centralised targeting registries are increasingly used to allocate social assistance benefits in developing countries. This paper provides the first attempt to identify the relative importance of two key design issues for targeting accuracy: (1) which households to survey for inclusion in the targeting registry and (2) how to rank surveyed households. We evaluate the performance of Indonesia’…
Proxy-means testing (PMT) is a method used to assess household or individual welfare level based on a set of observable indicators. The accuracy, and therefore usefulness of PMT relies on the selection of indicators that produce accurate predictions of household welfare. In this paper I propose a method to identify indicators that are robustly and strongly correlated with household welfare, mea…
Development indicators operate very dynamically in line with the government’s program and policy response. The government, therefore, needs an estimate of the poverty rate for a specific period in line with the development of its constituent indicators. The rate is required by the government to ensure the implemented policy can achieve the target according to the plan. Given the available ind…