"A Review on Labour Market Information/Decent Work Indicators in Indonesia" provides a comprehensive analysis of the labour market information and decent work indicators available in Indonesia. Through a detailed examination of existing data sources, survey methodologies, and statistical frameworks, the book offers insights into the strengths, limitations, and gaps in the measurement of key lab…
Petunjuk ini mencakup berbagai aspek, termasuk prosedur pengawasan lapangan, pelaporan kemajuan proyek, manajemen dokumentasi, dan koordinasi dengan berbagai pihak terkait. Tujuannya adalah untuk memastikan bahwa proyek-proyek infrastruktur dapat diselesaikan dengan tepat waktu, sesuai dengan anggaran yang dialokasikan, dan memenuhi standar kualitas yang ditetapkan.
Decent work is central to efforts to reduce poverty and is a means for achieving equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. It involves opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income, provides security in the workplace and social protection for workers and their families, and gives people the freedom to express their concerns, to organize and to participate in decis…
Indonesia has enjoyed a demographic dividend over the last forty years. The working population has been growing faster than the population of non-working dependents. This presents a major opportunity for economic growth and poverty reduction, provided that more jobs and better jobs are created to employ a workforce, which will grow by an estimated 20 million workers over the next ten years.