Pharmaceutical Policy and Financing in Asia-Pacific Countries provides a comprehensive overview of the pharmaceutical policies and financing mechanisms across the Asia-Pacific region. This document analyzes the diverse approaches adopted by various countries to manage the procurement, distribution, and regulation of pharmaceuticals. It explores the challenges faced by these countries in ensurin…
Income Inequality in the OECD Area and Beyond: Trends, Drivers, and Lessons for Policy examines the patterns and causes of income inequality within OECD countries and in other regions globally. This comprehensive report highlights historical and recent trends in income disparity, identifying key drivers such as labor market changes, globalization, technological advancements, and policy decision…
Pedoman OECD untuk Perusahaan Multinasional (MNEs) bertujuan untuk memberikan kerangka kerja yang komprehensif bagi praktik bisnis yang bertanggung jawab dan berkelanjutan di tingkat global. Edisi 2011 dari Pedoman ini memperbarui dan menyempurnakan panduan sebelumnya untuk mencerminkan perkembangan terbaru dalam praktik bisnis internasional.