Aplikasi Analisis Situasi Kemiskinan dan Anggaran Daerah merupakan alat sederhana (simple tools) yang dikembangkan menggunakan Microsoft Excel dan berbasis pemrograman Visual Basic. Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk memudahkan dan menyederhanakan dalam proses analisis kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan di daerah (Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota). Keluaran utama dari aplikasi ini adalah tampilan visual …
Understanding why some households can move out of poverty while others fail is crucial for any effort to reduce poverty. A large number of studies using survey-based data have documented and examined the possible factors that contribute to household movement in-out of poverty. To carry out this project, we constructed a household-level panel data set of approximately 20 million households in In…
The "Food Security and Vulnerability Atlas Indonesia 2015: Summary Version" provides a concise overview of the critical issues surrounding food security and vulnerability across Indonesia. This summary distills key findings from the comprehensive atlas, emphasizing regional disparities and the socioeconomic factors influencing food security.
Pemerintah Indonesia menghadapi tantangan baru sejak laju penurunan kemiskinan menurun selama 5 tahun belakangan ini. Berbagai program penurunan kemiskinan yang dijalankan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia menjadi terbatas di beberapa wilayah pemerintahan besar, seperti di tingkat kabupaten. Kami menggabungkan Peta Penghidupan Kemiskinan Indonesia tahun 2015 (Peta Kemiskinan) dengan rangkaian data hasi…
The era of reform in Indonesia was initially triggered by the monetary crisis that Indonesia experienced in June 1997, marked by the sharp decline in the value of the Rupiah, Indonesia’s national currency. In the year 1999, Law No. 22/1999 on Regional Autonomy and then Law No. 25/1999 on Fiscal Balance between the central and regional governments. Both of these laws would later serve as an â€â€¦
Traditional poverty measures fail to indicate the degree of risk of becoming or remaining poor that households are confronted to. They can therefore be misleading in the context of implementing poverty reduction policies. In this paper I propose a method to estimate an index of ex ante vulnerability to poverty, defined as the probability of being poor in the (near) future given current observab…
The landmark 2008 OECD report Growing Unequal? showed that the gap between rich and poor had been growing in most OECD countries. Three years down the road, inequality has become a universal concern, among both policy makers and societies at large. The new OECD study Divided we Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising reveals that the gap between rich and poor has widened even further in most countries.
This book delves into the intricate dynamics of commodity prices, exploring their evolution, drivers, and consequential impacts, particularly in the context of Indonesia. Through comprehensive analysis and empirical evidence, it examines the cyclical nature of commodity markets, from periods of booming growth to sudden downturns and subsequent recoveries. By identifying key drivers such as glob…
The Government of Indonesia is facing a new challenge in tackling poverty since the pace of the fall in the poverty rate has been slowing over the five years to 2020. To date, poverty alleviation programs implemented by the Government of Indonesia have been limited to large administrative areas such as the district (kabupaten) level. For this study, we combined the Poverty Livelihood Map of …