The Second Regional Seminar on Industrial Relations in the ASEAN Region report provides a comprehensive overview of the discussions, findings, and recommendations gathered from the seminar held to address pertinent issues in labor relations across ASEAN countries. The seminar aimed to foster dialogue and cooperation among member states to enhance understanding and promote best practices in indu…
Penelitian ini menganalisis pentingnya memperkuat tata kelola jaringan pengaman sosial di negara-negara anggota ASEAN untuk mengatasi kemiskinan dan ketidaksetaraan ekonomi yang masih menjadi tantangan utama di kawasan ini. Jaringan pengaman sosial, seperti bantuan tunai, subsidi, dan program asuransi kesehatan, berperan krusial dalam memberikan perlindungan kepada kelompok rentan dan memitigas…
This Report was prepared by Dr. Krishna Gopal Rampal from the Medical Faculty of the Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia. In this process, Ministries of Labour, National AIDS authorities, Employers’ and Workers’ organisations’ representatives, as well as NGO representatives and other key stakeholders from ASEAN Member Countries, were consulted. Preliminary findings were discussed at the Fourt…