Sebagai pelaku ekonomi, rumah tangga berperan dalam berbagai aktivitas ekonomi mulai dari produksi, konsumsi, dan investasi. Dalam aktivitas produksi, rumah tangga menyediakan faktor produksi tenaga kerja dan modal. Seseorang yang bekerja akan mendapatkan pendapatan yang tercipta dari nilai tambah produksi berupa kompensasi tenaga kerja atau upah/gaji.
The joint International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) with Indonesia for FY13-15 bridges the final two years of the administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). Since 2004, Indonesia emerged as a vibrant and stable democracy and as a se…
Eastern Indonesia (EI) is a region rich in natural resources and untapped potential in tourism sector. However, there has been a well-documented gap between EI’s economic development from the rest of Indonesia, as average per capita income of EI is signifcantly lagged behind that of the national average. One of the main contributors is the digital divide due to the inequality of access and ab…
Sejarah membuktikan, konsep batas wilayah negara Indonesia merupakan perjuangan putra putri terbaik bangsa. Melalui Deklarasi Djuanda pada 13 Desember 1957 misalnya, para pendiri bangsa berusaha menerapkan asas negara kepulauan ke dunia Internasional.
The book "REDD+ Indonesia: A Catalyst for Change" reveals the important role of REDD+ in driving change towards sustainable development in Indonesia. By investigating the implementation of REDD+ programs in various local contexts, the authors illustrate how these initiatives have been a catalyst for changes in policies, practices, and community perceptions regarding forest management and climat…
This thesis presents the results of research into the use of natural resources in Berau District, Indonesia, where the environment is considered at risk. Policy change, rapid economic development and the inflow of various population groups are having important implications for the access to and control by populations, forest products, land, marine products and other natural resources. Being one…
This volume of essays is intended to honour an exceptional, indeed a unique scholar. Joan Hardjono grew up in Sydney and graduated from Sydney University in the mid-1950s. She majored in English and Geography and like most girls in those years who had managed to complete a tertiary degree, she probably expected to embark on a career as a high school teacher in Australia. But no doubt prompted b…
Economic inequality, notably in income and wealth ownership, should have been discussed vigorously because of its connection to economic instability and political unrest. Various surveys have found a correlation between economic inequality and slow economic growth. An excessive concentration of wealth is considered a risk for democracy as those at the top have too much bargaining power to influ…
Southeast Asia is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world. With a combined GDP of USD 2.767 trillion, the region spans a market of 646 million people and attracts almost onefifth of global FDI inflow annually. Over the next five years, growth is set to remain robust in Southeast Asia, at an average of 5.2%. Its vast endowments of natural resources, an expanding middle c…
Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia untuk Keadilan dan Demokrasi, disingkat Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia dikukuhkan melalui Kongres Perempuan Indonesia di Yogyakarta pada Kamis, tanggal 17 Desember 1998. Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia pertama kali diumumkan berdirinya pada tanggal 18 Mei 1998 oleh sekelompok perempuan aktivis di Jakarta dengan dukungan 75 aktivis perempuan dari berbagai daerah yang menyetu…