Laporan Juni 2011 ini memuat perkembangan terkini dan prediksi ke depan ekonomi Indonesia seperti: Kinerja ekonomi Indonesia tetap positif dengan potensi yang lebih baik lagi di masa depan, walaupun demikian, perkembangan terakhir menunjukkan tantangan dan risiko tetap ada. Ekonomi meningkat pada level sedang pada Q1 2011, tapi masih menunjukan pertumbuhan pertumbuhan tahun-ke-tahunnya 6,5 persen.
Buku "Perkembangan Triwulanan Perekonomian Indonesia: Tekanan Meningkat Maret 2013" menyajikan analisis mendalam mengenai kondisi perekonomian Indonesia pada triwulan pertama tahun 2013. Buku ini memberikan gambaran komprehensif tentang berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi perekonomian nasional, serta tantangan yang dihadapi selama periode tersebut.
Despite strong economic growth and falling poverty over the last decade, many households continue to live on the edge of poverty. The last decade in Indonesia has seen a return to strong economic growth, and the poverty rate has fallen from 23.4 percent (1999) to 12.5 percent (2011). The falling overall poverty rate, however, partially masks a high degree of vulnerability: much of Indonesia's p…
Indonesia is emerging to take its place in the world as a rising middle-income country, confident in its destiny. The road to increasing prosperity and democracy has been as remarkable as it has been difficult. Throughout major social and political upheavals Indonesia has remained resilient.
The report on the transforming Indonesia's teaching force is divided in two volumes. The executive summary is the first volume of a two-volume comprehensive report on teacher management in Indonesia. This volume summarizes the key findings of the detailed technical analysis in volume two, but with much greater focus on the key areas where policy reforms will likely generate a large impact in In…
The report on the transforming Indonesia's teaching force is divided in two volumes. The executive summary is the first volume of a two-volume comprehensive report on teacher management in Indonesia. This volume summarizes the key findings of the detailed technical analysis in volume two, but with much greater focus on the key areas where policy reforms will likely generate a large impact in In…
Inadequate rural infrastructure creates constraints to economic growth in these areas by limiting productive growth and impeding the development of human capital. Recognition of the rural-poverty-alleviation role of infrastructure development motivated the central government, as well as donor agencies, to direct a significant amount of aid into supporting such projects.
Keterampilan mengelola keuangan adalah hal penting yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap individu dan keluarga, terutama dalam menghadapi dinamika ekonomi yang kompleks. Buku panduan ini dirancang khusus untuk membantu tenaga kerja Indonesia dan keluarganya memahami dan mengelola keuangan mereka dengan bijak.