The rural economy makes a significant contribution to the national economy. At present, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is felt more in urban areas. Due to the high mobility of seasonal rural workers commuting between their home villages and cities, however, the impact on the rural economy needs to be anticipated promptly.
The rural economy makes a significant contribution to the national economy. At present, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is felt more in urban areas. Due to the high mobility of seasonal rural workers commuting between their home villages and cities, however, the impact on the rural economy needs to be anticipated promptly.
The rural economy makes a significant contribution to the national economy. At present, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is felt more in urban areas. Due to the high mobility of seasonal rural workers commuting between their home villages and cities, however, the impact on the rural economy needs to be anticipated promptly.
Garis kemiskinan global mengacu pada definisi kemiskinan ekstrem (extreme poverty) pada tahun dasar 2011 adalah mereka yang hidup di bawah $1,9 PPP per hari. Sementara, Garis Kemiskinan di Indonesia menghitung biaya pada komponen pengeluaran konsumsi makanan untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan gizi minimum yang setara dengan 2.100 kalori per orang per hari.
The Government of Indonesia places a high priority on the universal provision of, and access to, education. Universal education is considered a cornerstone for future economic development and shared prosperity. Over the past decade, the Government of Indonesia has introduced a number of major reforms to make universal education a reality. In 2003, the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) …
The use of a standard poverty line to measure poverty is often questioned. This is because the Government of Indonesia through Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Indonesia: BPS) routinely calculates the national poverty line to measure annual progress in development achievements. On the other hand, international organisations, such as the World Bank, also release the results of poverty line calc…
Pandemi telah mengancam sistem kesehatan, ekonomi, dan kondisi sosial Indonesia. Semua kelompok populasi telah terdampak, dan beberapa kelompok tertentu terutama anak-anak, lansia, dan penyandang disabilitas memiliki kerentanan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kelompok populasi yang lain.
While a small percentage of Indonesians are chronically poor, poverty in Indonesia is largely a transient phenomenon. The number of transient poor–those moving in and out of poverty–was estimated at 17.92 percent of the population or 44.2 million people in 2013
After a deflation in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in September 2013 (-0.3 percent), the inflation rate in October 2013 was 0.09 percent and resulted in year-on-year inflation of 8.32 percent and year-to-date inflation of 7.66 percent. Food products which constituted the biggest contribution to inflation in the last several months experienced deflation both in September (-2.7 percent) and i…
There were positive developments during October in the world economy such as the U.S. growth rate is forecast to improve to 2.5% in the fourth quarter, a percentage point higher than in the second quarter; and the slow-down in Chinese growth appears to have ended in October with both industrial producion and exports up. But these are balanced by some negaive developments which includes Europe h…