Targeted cash transfer programs have been an important policy tool in developing countries. this paper considers (i) how the timing of transfers affects household expenditure and labor supply responses, and (ii) how household expectations shape our interpretation of those responses. we study these issues in the context of a short-term program that provided quarterly unconditional transfers of u…
Siapakah yang tidak terlihat di Indonesia? Mereka diantaranya adalah orang-orang di Aceh; orang dari sebuah desa dengan kelainan tuna rungu yang dibawa sejak lahir di Bali yang sangat besar jumlahnya; anak-anak kurang gizi dan orang tua mereka di Timor Barat; Janda dan kepala Rumah tangga perempuan di Lombok;orang cacat kusta di Sulawesi Selatan
The purpose of this report is to identify the nature and key constraints to poverty reduction in today's Indonesia and to provide concrete recommendations on how Indonesia can move forward to achieve its poverty reduction objectives. It aims to contribute to the policy debate and decision-making process in Indonesia by putting forth: (i) new and more comprehensive analysis of empirical poverty …
Buku panduan ini dapat dijadikan pedoman untuk meningkatkan Pro-Poor Planning and Budgeting ke Pemda Kabupaten/ Kota dan dapat dijadikan pegangan dalam menerapkan proses perencanaan dan penganggaran yang berpihak kepada masyarakat miskin.
Buku Saku ini disusun sebagai panduan praktis bagi para pendamping rektorat yang bertugas dalam program penanggulangan kemiskinan di perkotaan pada tahun 2012. Buku ini merangkum berbagai strategi, metode, dan langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil untuk mengatasi masalah kemiskinan di daerah perkotaan. Di dalamnya, terdapat penjelasan mengenai kebijakan pemerintah terkait penanggulangan kemiskinan…
Poverty and inequality are pervasive global issues that undermine social stability, economic growth, and individual well-being. Social protection systems, encompassing social insurance, social assistance, and labor market programs, are pivotal in addressing these challenges. This paper explores the multifaceted role of social protection in combating poverty and inequality.
Over the past three decades, East Asia and the Pacific has grown to become an economic powerhouse, contributing around a quarter of global economic activities. Yet, while the region continues to record tremendous growth despite the recent global financial crises, the economic tide has not lifted all boats. The trend is toward less, not more, equality. The private sector can play a vital role in…
The book "Crisis, Poverty, and Human Development in Indonesia 1998" delves into the repercussions of the economic crisis that struck Indonesia in 1998 on poverty and human development within the country. It scrutinizes the triggering factors of the crisis, governmental responses, and their social implications. Furthermore, the book explores the crisis's impact on human development indicators su…
Jumlah karya-karya Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM), umumnya dalam bentuk buku, belakangan meningkat tajam. Tentu saja ini pertanda baik. Karyakarya ini menunjukkan tumbuhnya tradisi literat di kalangan organisasi masyarakat sipil. Mungkin juga ini tanda semakin banyaknya pekerjaan yang dilakukan untuk apa yang mereka sebut sebagai pemberdayaan masyarakat di komunitas yang mereka dampingi.
BOMA is implementing a three-year, $1.9 million accountable grant for the UK Department of International Development. In addition to establishing 1,338 businesses across Northern Kenya, the grant includes a governance component that encourages the social and political empowerment of women. Through community meetings and education, the program addresses: