Direct cash transfers for vulnerable elderly and disabled populations have been provided by the Ministry of Social Welfare (Kementerian Sosial, Kemensos) since 2006; a similar cash transfer for at-risk youth was inaugurated in 2009. The Government of Indonesia's (GoI) pro-poor development initiatives, international agreements and domestic laws and regulations, and considerable experience delive…
This landmark publication, representing a collaboration of over 20 United Nations entities and major international organizations working in the field of ageing, reviews policies and action taken by governments and other stakeholders since the Second World Assembly on Ageing in 2002. In addition to providing many inspiring examples of innovative programmes that address population ageing and the …
BaKTINews adalah media pertukaran pengetahuan tentang pembangunan di Kawasan Timur lndonesia. Tujuan BaKTINews adalah mempromosikan praktik cerdas pembangunan dari berbagai daerah di Kawasan Timur Indonesia agar dapat diketahui oleh khalayak luas dan menginspirasi pelaku pembangunan di berbagai daerah dalam upaya menjawab berbagai tantangan pembangunan.
Indonesia has undergone a demographic transition since the 1970s that has led to significant changes in the population age structure. Life expectancy increased from 45 years to 67 years. The number of elderly people (60 years and above) rose from about 5 million in 1970 to 18 million in 2010, and is projected to increase to over 80 million by 2050. The economic situation of the elderly is pr…