The title of this book illustrates the dual purposes of the volume. One meaning of “The Complexity of Cooperation” refers to the addition of complexity to the most common framework for studying cooperation, namely the two-person iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. Adding complexity to that framework allows the exploration of many interesting and important features of competition and collaboratio…
Jurnal Sosiologi Universitas Indonesia adalah publikasi akademik yang menyoroti berbagai aspek dalam studi sosiologi, yang dihasilkan oleh para peneliti dan akademisi di lingkungan Universitas Indonesia. Jurnal ini menampilkan artikel-artikel yang meliputi beragam topik seperti struktur sosial, proses sosial, perubahan sosial, teori sosiologi, metodologi penelitian, dan aplikasi sosiologi dalam…
Masyarakat: Jurnal Sosiologi is a peer-reviewed journal published by LabSosio, Center for Sociological Studies, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia. The journal was awarded Sinta-2 accreditation by the Ministry of Education.
Masyarakat: Jurnal Sosiologi is a peer-reviewed journal published by LabSosio, Center for Sociological Studies, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia. The journal was awarded Sinta-2 accreditation by the Ministry of Education.
Buku "Menjalin Desa-Kota: Upaya Membangun Indonesia dari Pinggiran" karya Harry Heriawan Saleh membahas upaya mengurangi ketimpangan antara desa dan kota di Indonesia. Buku ini mengulas berbagai kebijakan dan program yang bertujuan memberdayakan daerah-daerah pinggiran dan desa untuk memperkuat kesetaraan dalam hal demografi, ekonomi, dan sosial politik