Southeast Asia is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world. With a combined GDP of USD 2.767 trillion, the region spans a market of 646 million people and attracts almost onefifth of global FDI inflow annually. Over the next five years, growth is set to remain robust in Southeast Asia, at an average of 5.2%. Its vast endowments of natural resources, an expanding middle c…
The government is aware that the issue of rising inequality is an extremely urgent issue to be addressed. Targets for reducing inequality have also been established in the 2015–2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), namely reducing the Gini index of 0.41 in 2014 to 0.36 in 2019. However, the decline in the Gini index since 2014 until now is not considered significant; the Gini in…
This book delves into the intricate dynamics of commodity prices, exploring their evolution, drivers, and consequential impacts, particularly in the context of Indonesia. Through comprehensive analysis and empirical evidence, it examines the cyclical nature of commodity markets, from periods of booming growth to sudden downturns and subsequent recoveries. By identifying key drivers such as glob…
Buku "Analisis Sosial Ekonomi Petani di Indonesia" merupakan sebuah kajian mendalam yang mengeksplorasi kondisi sosial ekonomi para petani di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan multidisiplin dan data empiris terkini, penulis membahas berbagai aspek yang memengaruhi kehidupan para petani, termasuk akses terhadap sumber daya, teknologi pertanian, kebijakan pemerintah, dan dinamika pasar. Me…
The Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (BIES), Vol. 48 No. 2, August 2012, encapsulates a diverse array of scholarly research on Indonesia's economic landscape. This volume delves into pivotal issues shaping the country's economic trajectory, ranging from macroeconomic policies to sector-specific analyses. Through rigorous empirical investigations and theoretical frameworks, contributors s…
Buku "Ancaman Kolektivisme" menganalisis dampak dan implikasi dari fenomena kolektivisme dalam berbagai konteks sosial, politik, dan budaya. Dengan menggali akar dan dinamika kolektivisme, penulis mengidentifikasi ancaman yang timbul akibat pemikiran kolektif yang dominan dalam masyarakat. Melalui penelusuran sejarah, studi kasus, dan analisis kontemporer, buku ini menggambarkan bagaimana kolek…
Permasalahan kemiskinanan yang cukup kompleks membutuhkan intervensi semua pihak secara bersama dan terkordinasi. Namun selama ini penanganan kemiskinan cenderung parsial dan tidak berkelanjutan. Belum optimalnya peran dunia usaha, dan melemahnya peran kelembagaan kemasyarakatan juga berpengaruh pada pelaksanaan program pemberdayaan dan pengentasan kemiskinan. Untuk itu perlu ada perubahan yang…
A just published paper by the World Bank esƟmates world GDP growth at 2.3% in 2012 and forecasts a similarly lackluster 2.4% for 2013. These estimates are in line with the consensus forecasts for 2012 and 2013. The East Asia region, of which Indonesia is part, also grew more slowly in 2012 than the year before (7.5% rather than 8.3%) and is forecast to reach 7.9%, sƟll less than in 2011.
Indonesia’s economy grew by 6.23% in calendar year 2012, slightly below the government’s target of 6.5%. However, it was sƟll the second fastest‐growing country in the G‐20 aŌer China. The highest rate of growth were recorded in the transportaƟon and communicaƟon sector (9.98%), followed by the trade, hotel and restaurant sector (8.11%). However, the largest contributors to growth w…
Despite progress made in reducing the national poverty rate, poverty among vulnerable groups in Indonesia remains alarmingly high. Indonesia is an aging society, with an elderly population of approximately 20 million people, or 8% of the total population (TNP2K, 2014), but there is very limited income security for the vast majority of the elderly. It is projected that the population of people a…