Eastern Indonesia (EI) is a region rich in natural resources and untapped potential in tourism sector. However, there has been a well-documented gap between EI’s economic development from the rest of Indonesia, as average per capita income of EI is signifcantly lagged behind that of the national average. One of the main contributors is the digital divide due to the inequality of access and ab…
International financial markets remain turbulent, but Indonesia's economy is relatively well-positioned to weather future external shocks and steps have been taken to improve crisis preparedness such as increasing the flexibility of any fiscal response and the creation of a government bond stabilization framework.
Indonesia’s growth is set to slow in 2014; and risks remain high. Reversing the slower growth forecast for 2014 will require additional and more focused policy responses. In particular, while policymakers in Indonesia have taken steps to encourage near-term macroeconomic stability, especially through monetary policy and exchange rate adjustments, further structural reforms are needed to suppo…
Prospek ekonomi melemah, mengikuti pertumbuhan yang sedikit lebih rendah dari perkiraan pada kuartal pertama dan tanda-tanda bahwa permintaan dalam negeri, terutama investasi, terus mengalami moderasi. Sebagai akibatnya, Bank Dunia telah menurunkan proyeksi pertumbuhan PDB-nya menjadi 5,9 persen untuk tahun 2013, dari 6,2 persen seperti yang tercantum pada Triwulanan edisi bulan Maret 2013.
Kuartal akhir tahun 2013 telah mencatat penyesuaian ekonomi Indonesia yang masih berlangsung terhadap terus melemahnya harga-harga komoditas dan kondisi pembiayaan eksternal yang lebih ketat, dan tekanan neraca pembayaran. Sejumlah kebijakan telah menanggapinya, terutama melalui kebijakan moneter yang lebih ketat, depresiasi riil Rupiah yang cukup besar dan belanja investasi dan pertumbuhan…
The second quarter of 2013 was an eventful one as Indonesia's economy, policy settings and financial markets adjusted to pressures which have been mounting over recent quarters and to shifts in the global environment. Following slightly weaker-than-expected growth in the first quarter, there are signs that domestic demand, particularly investment, has continued to moderate. On the fiscal front,…
GDP growth in the first quarter of 2014 moderated further to 5.2 percent year-on-year, from 5.7 percent year-on-year in the prior quarter. The slower growth rate is due partly to the macro stabilizing monetary and exchange rate policy measures that have been taken to move to a more sustainable current account footing and enhance investor confidence. However, exports have remained sluggish, in p…
The Indonesian economic quarterly reports on and synthesizes the past three months' key developments in Indonesia's economy. It places them in a longer-term and global context, and assesses the implications of these developments and other changes in policy for the outlook for Indonesia's economic and social welfare. Its coverage ranges from the macro economy to financial markets to indicators o…
Indonesia's economic performance through mid-2011 has been positive. Solid growth has been accompanied by further portfolio capital and foreign direct investment inflows. Public and financial sector balance sheets remain strong. However, events over the past quarter serve as a reminder of a number of Indonesia's ongoing policy challenges. At the same time, the launch of the government's master …
The fourth quarter of 2013 brought welcome signs that Indonesia’s economy is rebalancing in response to previous monetary policy and exchange rate adjustments, which is positive for macroeconomic stability. The overall economic growth rate was broadly unchanged, at 5.7 percent year-on-year, but the composition of growth tilted more towards net exports while fixed investment remained subdued.