"Buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak" adalah sumber informasi komprehensif yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang kesehatan ibu dan anak. Buku ini membahas berbagai aspek kesehatan yang krusial, mulai dari kehamilan, persalinan, hingga perawatan pasca melahirkan serta kesehatan anak.
"Fit & Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness" is a comprehensive resource designed to educate readers on the principles of physical fitness and overall wellness. This book integrates theoretical concepts with practical applications, offering a holistic approach to health and fitness.
Dokumen ini menguraikan program 2014 yang dikelola oleh MDF Head Office, berfokus pada pengembangan pembelajaran berbasis hasil. Program ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan kapasitas fasilitator dalam menyampaikan pelatihan dan mendukung pengembangan kompetensi peserta.
Dokumen ini mengeksplorasi peluang dan tantangan dalam menuju Cakupan Kesehatan Universal (Universal Health Coverage, UHC). UHC bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa semua individu memiliki akses ke layanan kesehatan yang berkualitas tanpa menghadapi kesulitan finansial.
Dokumen ini membahas peran pekerjaan sosial dalam konteks industri, dengan fokus pada penguatan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (CSR). Pekerjaan sosial menjadi alat strategis untuk meningkatkan dampak positif perusahaan terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan.
Marketing, 14th Edition is the most robust principles of marketing solution available, meeting the needs of a wide range of faculty. Marketing focuses on decision making through extended examples, cases, and videos involving real people making real marketing decisions. Their decades of combined experience in the higher education classroom continue to inform the authors' innovative pedagogical a…
"101 Indonesian Innovations" is a comprehensive publication highlighting the most promising innovations from Indonesia. Compiled by the Business Innovation Center (BIC) in collaboration with the State Ministry of Research and Technology, the book aims to showcase and promote groundbreaking projects across various fields. This initiative is part of the government’s strategy to stimulate busine…
explores the critical role of cultural diversity in the modern business environment. The study delves into how cultural differences impact organizational behavior, communication, leadership, and decision-making processes. Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach, this research combines theoretical insights from cross-cultural management with practical case studies from global businesses.
Sustainable development in Asia is a multifaceted challenge that requires an integrated approach, combining economic growth with social equity and environmental sustainability. This paper explores the role of social protection in advancing sustainable development in the region. Social protection, encompassing measures such as social insurance, social assistance, and labor market programs, is cr…
explores the dynamics, strategies, and outcomes of partnerships in R&D, emphasizing synergistic efforts between academia, industry, and governmental bodies. Key themes include the establishment of shared goals, collaborative methodologies, and the impact on technological innovation and societal benefits. The abstract underscores the importance of effective partnership frameworks in driving sust…