Karakteristik dan perkembangan kemiskinan di Indonesia dewasa ini mengharuskan adanya kebijakan yang lebih sistematik, terpadu dan menyeluruh dalam penanganannya. Khususnya melalui sinergi antara pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah dan seluruh pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Kebijakan itu juga harus dapat diarahkan kepada pengurangan beban pengeluaran dan peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat miskin …
Drawing on the substitution axiom formulated by Basu and Van (1998) this study examines the nature of relationship between parental income and child labor supply in Indonesia. To estimate such relationship, we are benefited by panel data from the last two waves of Indonesia Family Life Survey (2007 and 2014). We tackle the potential endogeneity in parental income by controlling for parental fix…
Indonesia has undergone a demographic transition since the 1970s that has led to significant changes in the population age structure. Life expectancy increased from 45 years to 67 years. The number of elderly people (60 years and above) rose from about 5 million in 1970 to 18 million in 2010, and is projected to increase to over 80 million by 2050. The economic situation of the elderly is pr…
Development indicators operate very dynamically in line with the government’s program and policy response. The government, therefore, needs an estimate of the poverty rate for a specific period in line with the development of its constituent indicators. The rate is required by the government to ensure the implemented policy can achieve the target according to the plan. Given the available ind…
The Government of Indonesia is facing a new challenge in tackling poverty since the pace of the fall in the poverty rate has been slowing over the five years to 2020. To date, poverty alleviation programs implemented by the Government of Indonesia have been limited to large administrative areas such as the district (kabupaten) level. For this study, we combined the Poverty Livelihood Map of …
One aspect of Indonesia’s health profile that still needs improvement is stunting. In 2018 Indonesia had one of the highest prevalence rates for stunting in the world at 30.8 percent. To achieve the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2015-2019 (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Negara: RPJMN) target of a 28 percent stunting rate, in 2018 the government set priority areas for stunting pre…
To succeed in implementing programs to reduce the number of stunted children, accurate and timely data and information are required to serve as the basis for target and goal setting. The use of Riskesdas (Riset Kesehatan Dasar: Basic Health Research) is highly important to generate indicators on the Indonesian people’s health status and monitor the success of various government programs in th…