While a small percentage of Indonesians are chronically poor, poverty in Indonesia is largely a transient phenomenon. The number of transient poor–those moving in and out of poverty–was estimated at 17.92 percent of the population or 44.2 million people in 2013
After a deflation in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in September 2013 (-0.3 percent), the inflation rate in October 2013 was 0.09 percent and resulted in year-on-year inflation of 8.32 percent and year-to-date inflation of 7.66 percent. Food products which constituted the biggest contribution to inflation in the last several months experienced deflation both in September (-2.7 percent) and i…
There were positive developments during October in the world economy such as the U.S. growth rate is forecast to improve to 2.5% in the fourth quarter, a percentage point higher than in the second quarter; and the slow-down in Chinese growth appears to have ended in October with both industrial producion and exports up. But these are balanced by some negaive developments which includes Europe h…
Inflation for November 2012 was 0.07%, lower than for October. Year on year it was 4.3%. InflaƟon for November was the lowest for the last three years. Food prices declined by ‐0.13 percent in November and year to year it was 5.7%. Lower food price in No‐ vember reduced inflaƟon for the urban poor (see graph). In the rural area, November inflaƟon was 5.01 year on year, with food pric…
With Idul Fitri falling early in the month, pass on effects from the fuel price increase in July, and the rapid depreciation of the rupiah, it is not surprising that the rate of inflation remained high in August at 1.1%, though much lower than July’s monthly inflation rate of 3.2%. The major contributors to inflation in August reflected expected price pressures: higher food prices (the impact…
Dengan Idul Fitri jatuh di awal bulan, dampak kenaikan BBM pada Juli dan depresiasi Rupiah, tidak mengherankan tingkat inflasi tetap tinggi pada Agustus sebesar 1,1%, meskipun jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan tingkat inflasi Juli 3,2%. Kontributor utama inflasi Agustus menggambarkan perkiraan tekanan harga: harga bahan makanan lebih tinggi (dampak Ramadan dan Idul Fitri), kenaikan harga emas (dam…
Kelompok bahan makanan merupakan penyumbang inflasi terbesar pada beberapa bulan terakhir, mengalami deflasi sebesar 2,7 persen pada bulan September dan 0,6 persen pada bulan Oktober. Penurunan harga bahan makanan mempunyai dampak positif pada penduduk miskin karena hampir 50 persen pengeluaran penduduk miskin digunakan untuk membeli makanan. Oleh karena itu penurunan harga tersebut akan mer…
The Headline CPI for April 2013 compared to March showed deflation of -0.1%. It partially corrected for the unusually high inflation of 0.6% in March 2013. However, the more meaningful year-on-year inflation for April was a fairly high, 5.6% higher than 2012 (4.5%) but lower than 2011 (6.2%). The government inflation target of 4.9% in 2013 will be difficult to achieve because year-to-date infla…
IHK umum April 2013 dibandingkan Maret menunjukkan deflasi sebesar -0,1%. Hal ini adalah koreksi terhadap inflasi yang luar biasa tinggi sebesar 0,6% pada Maret 2013. Namun, inflasi year-on-year untuk April (5,6%) cenderung tinggi, lebih tinggi dibandingkan 2012 (4,5%) namun lebih rendah bila dibandingkan 2011 (6,2%). Target inflasi pemerintah sebesar 4,9% akan sulit dicapai karena inflasi year…
In May consumer prices fell for the second month in a row, with the headline CPI declining by -0.03% compared to April. Inflation had been unusually high in the first four months of 2013 only slightly compensated by the April-May decline. Therefore the year-on-year inflation for May was a high 5.5%, slightly lower than the 5.6% in April. The government revised its inflation target for 2013 from…