"A History of Western Art" provides an extensive overview of the evolution of Western art from its ancient origins to the present day. Through a comprehensive examination of artistic movements, styles, and key figures, the book traces the development of Western art across various periods, including classical antiquity, the Renaissance, Baroque, Romanticism, Impressionism, and modern art movemen…
The book "REDD+ Indonesia: A Catalyst for Change" reveals the important role of REDD+ in driving change towards sustainable development in Indonesia. By investigating the implementation of REDD+ programs in various local contexts, the authors illustrate how these initiatives have been a catalyst for changes in policies, practices, and community perceptions regarding forest management and climat…
A Regional Meeting to Build Intermovement Linkages in Poverty, Food Sovereignty, and SRHR in South Asia" provides an insightful overview of a collaborative initiative aimed at fostering synergies and alliances between movements addressing poverty, food sovereignty, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) issues in South Asia.
Buku ini merangkum perjalanan awal Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Kekayaan Negara dan Lelang (Ditjen PKP) dalam memperkuat konsolidasi organisasi sembari menghadapi tuntutan kerja yang semakin kompleks. Melalui narasi yang mendalam, pembaca diajak untuk memahami tantangan, strategi, dan pencapaian yang telah dilakukan selama tahun pertama kepemimpinan. Mulai dari restrukturisasi internal hingg…
Buku ini mengulas konsep dan implementasi pertanian terintegrasi sebagai pendekatan untuk mencapai kedaulatan pangan dan energi. Melalui penelusuran yang mendalam, pembaca dibimbing melalui berbagai aspek yang mencakup produksi pangan dan energi secara berkelanjutan, pemanfaatan sumber daya secara efisien, dan pembangunan sistem pertanian yang ramah lingkungan.
This compilation presents the rich array of discussions, papers, and presentations showcased during the 14th Australian Social Policy Conference. Held against the backdrop of evolving social landscapes, the book delves into the pressing contemporary issues confronting social policy. Through diverse lenses and analytical frameworks, it navigates through pivotal themes such as inequality, poverty…
Australia's welfare 2013 is the 11th biennial welfare report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. This comprehensive and authoritative report provides an overview of the wellbeing of Australians across domains of healthy living, autonomy and participation, and social cohesion. It includes information on: - population factors underpinning the demand for welfare services - particula…
Australia dan negara-negara di Kepulauan Pasifik Selatan adalah tetangga terdekat Indonesia di sebelah timur. Studi tentang kawasan ini sangat perlu bagi Indonesia karena posisinya yang sangat dekat dan kondisinya yang dapat membawa dampak langsung terhadap Indonesia. Selain itu, studi tentang kawasan ini dapat memperlihatkan seberapa penting peran kawasan ini dalam Hubungan Internasional yang …
This Oracle Press guide demonstrates practical applications of the most compelling methods for developing secure Oracle database and middleware environments. You will find full coverage of the latest and most popular Oracle products, including Oracle Database and Audit Vaults, Oracle Application Express, and secure Business Intelligence applications.