Perkembangan Triwulanan Perekonomian Indonesia (Indonesia Economic Quarterly/IEQ) mempunyai dua tujuan. Pertama, untuk menyajikan perkembangan utama perekonomian Indonesia dalam tiga bulan terakhir, dan menempatkan dalam konteks jangka panjang dan global. Berdasarkan perkembangan ini, serta perubahan kebijakan dalam periode tersebut, laporan ini menyediakan perkembangan terkini secara rutin ten…
Every day on the job, you face common challenges. And you need immediate solutions to those challenges. The Pocket Mentor Series can help. Each book in the series is packed with handy tools, self-tests, and real-life examples to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and hone critical skills. Whether you're at your desk, in a meeting, or on the road, these portable, concise guides enab…
Originating from a radio program called “Asia Calling”, this book has been written to encourage Muslims in Asia to get to know one another better and to learn from each other. The focus is on South and South-East Asia, especially those living in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, and Indonesia, where the guest presenter of this program hails from.
Authors Eric Noreen, Peter Brewer, and Ray Garrison have crafted a streamlined Managerial Accounting book that is perfect for non-accounting majors who intend to move into managerial positions by focusing on the fundamentals to develop the conceptual framework managers need to succeed.
This book is designed to serve as an introduction to the fascinating world of maps. It explains how to use maps to obtain information about a wide variety of topics. Throughout the book, maps are viewed in a broad framework. Thus, the discussion includes mental maps, aerial photographs, remotely sensed images, computer-assisted cartography, and geographical information systems, in addition to t…
Buku "Menjalin Desa-Kota: Upaya Membangun Indonesia dari Pinggiran" karya Harry Heriawan Saleh membahas upaya mengurangi ketimpangan antara desa dan kota di Indonesia. Buku ini mengulas berbagai kebijakan dan program yang bertujuan memberdayakan daerah-daerah pinggiran dan desa untuk memperkuat kesetaraan dalam hal demografi, ekonomi, dan sosial politik
ijakan Reintegrasi di Kabupaten Aceh Utara" adalah sebuah buku yang mengulas upaya reintegrasi di Aceh Utara pasca-konflik. Buku ini memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang kebijakan dan program yang telah diterapkan untuk mengintegrasikan kembali mantan kombatan dan komunitas yang terdampak oleh konflik panjang di Aceh.
IT professionals who want to move into the networking side in a corporate or enterprise setting will find the detailed content they need to get up to speed on the very latest networking technologies; plus, current networking professionals will find this a valuable and up-to-date resource. This hands-on guide is designed so that you can select, design, and implement an actual network using the t…
The fast changing economic climate is creating substantial pressure for welfare state restructuring worldwide. Yet the discussion regarding challenges faced and the responses required has been confined to the ‘standard welfare states’ in the West. This book examines whether these challenges also apply to the countries in the East, whether these countries have generated different responses t…
Zakaria yang berumur tujuh tahun pindah ke New York pada tahun 1973 mengikuti ayahnya, seorang diplomat Indonesia. Rumahnya, di Morningside Heights, berseberangan dengan kediaman Yavin, seorang anak Yahudi yang seumuran dengannya. Saat bersekolah di kawasan elit, mereka berkenalan dengan Anthony, anak pedagang kaya dari Indonesia, yang tinggal di East Harlem, sebuah daerah yang rawan pada saat …