The 2011 Human Development Report argues that the urgent global challenges of sustainability and equity must be addressed together – and identifies policies on the national and global level that could spur mutually reinforcing progress towards these interlinked goals. Bold action is needed on both fronts, the Report contends, if the recent human development progress for most of the world’s …
Hubungan kerja telah masuk dalam agenda Konferensi Tenaga Kerja Internasional 1997, 1998, serta 2003, dan telah dianalisis oleh Pertemuan Tenaga Ahli pada tahun 2000. Rekomendasi Hubungan Kerja No. 1981 yang diadopsi oleh Konferensi tersebut di tahun 2006 mencerminkan kesimpulan-kesimpulan penelitian penentuan standar Konferensi Tenaga Kerja Internasional yang meliputi lebih dari 30 monograf na…
Buku "Identifikasi/Pemetaan dan Kajian Keluarga Miskin dan Lingkungan" mengulas metode untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan keluarga miskin serta mengkaji kondisi lingkungan mereka. Fokus buku ini adalah pada pemahaman mendalam mengenai faktor-faktor sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan yang mempengaruhi kemiskinan.
The developing world has many sharp-eyed entrepreneurs with great business ideas, ready to build first-class companies that will move their economies forward. But a major obstacle often stands in their way: a lack of access to finance. It blocks them from moving ahead, keeping them from hiring workers, increasing incomes, and raising living standards. The funds IFC supports help fill this gap. …
One of the main findings to have emerged from the debate spearheaded by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in recent years is that economic and social development are closely intertwined and should form an active part of any public policy aimed at achieving greater equality. However, social gaps and debt in the region call for efforts to be redoubled to achieve …
Access to formal financial services is by now widely recognized as critically important to alleviating poverty around the world. An impressive literature has developed supporting the proposition that increased access to financial services has a significant impact on poverty. The objective of this report, whose key feature is a nationwide household survey of access to financial services, is to p…
International financial markets remain turbulent, but Indonesia's economy is relatively well-positioned to weather future external shocks and steps have been taken to improve crisis preparedness such as increasing the flexibility of any fiscal response and the creation of a government bond stabilization framework.
Indonesia’s growth is set to slow in 2014; and risks remain high. Reversing the slower growth forecast for 2014 will require additional and more focused policy responses. In particular, while policymakers in Indonesia have taken steps to encourage near-term macroeconomic stability, especially through monetary policy and exchange rate adjustments, further structural reforms are needed to suppo…
Prospek ekonomi melemah, mengikuti pertumbuhan yang sedikit lebih rendah dari perkiraan pada kuartal pertama dan tanda-tanda bahwa permintaan dalam negeri, terutama investasi, terus mengalami moderasi. Sebagai akibatnya, Bank Dunia telah menurunkan proyeksi pertumbuhan PDB-nya menjadi 5,9 persen untuk tahun 2013, dari 6,2 persen seperti yang tercantum pada Triwulanan edisi bulan Maret 2013.