Together, the normative standards and advisory guidance of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS), the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI), and the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) have significant influence on how many poor households get access t…
National skill standards play an important and increasing role in vocational training and recognition in the Asia-Pacific region as they do in many other parts of the world. They are a guide to the scope of skills and knowledge required for a whole industry and can be flexibly combined into jobs or occupations. Skill standards are now the common basis for vocational training programs, and testi…
Konferensi mengenai Pembiayaan Kesehatan dan Ekonomi Gizi yang diselenggarakan di Jakarta pada tanggal 7-10 April 2015, membahas berbagai isu terkait pembiayaan sistem kesehatan dan dampaknya terhadap status gizi masyarakat. Acara ini dihadiri oleh para ahli dari berbagai bidang termasuk kesehatan masyarakat, ekonomi, nutrisi, dan kebijakan publik.
The principles of equal opportunity for men and women in acquiring rights to live without fear of abuse and harassment are recognized, as stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Article 27 paragraph (2) each citizen shall be entitled to an occupation and an existence proper for a human being and Article 28I paragraph (2) where each person has the right to be free from acts …
engan laju pertumbuhan ekonomi yang mencapai 6,1% dan pertambahan jumlah penduduk 1,1%, diprediksi pertumbuhan kebutuhan energi mencapai 7%. Saat ini kebutuhan energi masih dipenuhi dan didominasi energi fosil yang mencapai 46% minyak bumi, 29% batubara, dan 21% gas bumi. Hanya 4 % dari bauran energi primer nasional yang dipasok dari panas bumi dan tenaga air.
Konsumsi energi di Indonesia semakin tahun semakin meningkat.Salah satu cara mengurangi konsumsi energi yang terus meningkat adalah dengan penghematan energi. Hemat energi adalah salah satu cara bentuk pengurangan konsumsi energi sehingga energi tidak terbuang sia-sia. Generasi milenial akan berperan besar pada era bonus demografi. Generasi ini yang akan memegang kendali atas roda pembangunan k…
Over the past 13 years, the Government of Indonesia (GOI) has moved from a set of temporary, crisis-driven social assistance initiatives towards a more permanent system of social assistance programs. This background paper aims to provide a brief history of the major developments in the GOI's household-targeted social assistance policy and programs with more limited discussion of supply-side and…
This Report was prepared by Dr. Krishna Gopal Rampal from the Medical Faculty of the Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia. In this process, Ministries of Labour, National AIDS authorities, Employers’ and Workers’ organisations’ representatives, as well as NGO representatives and other key stakeholders from ASEAN Member Countries, were consulted. Preliminary findings were discussed at the Fourt…
Laporan “Iklim Usaha di Kota Kupang: Kajian Kondisi Perekonomian dan Regulasi Usaha” ini merupakan upaya untuk memetakan dan menganalisis regulasi daerah yang terkait dunia usaha di Kota Kupang. Secara tekstual, kajian ini menggunakan aspek hukum (yuridis), substansi, dan prinsip sebagai acuan dalam menganalisis kebermasalahan regulasi daerah serta potensi dampaknya terhadap dunia usaha. Se…
International developments continue to shape Indonesia’s near-term economic outlook, but the focus of attention has shifted. In late 2011 the primary concern was the deteriorating and uncertain outlook for the global economy and financial markets. The recent sharp rise in global oil prices has added a new dimension to the situation, raising the projected cost of Indonesia’s fuel subsidies.