Siapakah yang tidak terlihat di Indonesia? Mereka diantaranya adalah orang-orang di Aceh; orang dari sebuah desa dengan kelainan tuna rungu yang dibawa sejak lahir di Bali yang sangat besar jumlahnya; anak-anak kurang gizi dan orang tua mereka di Timor Barat; Janda dan kepala Rumah tangga perempuan di Lombok;orang cacat kusta di Sulawesi Selatan
This study examines governance and capacity building efforts in post-crisis Aceh, focusing on the recovery and reconstruction period following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the subsequent end of the decades-long conflict between the Government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). Effective governance and robust capacity building are critical for sustainable development and resilie…
Himpunan Peraturan di Bidang Sistem Resi Gudang Jilid III ini disusun untuk menyediakan referensi komprehensif terkait regulasi dan kebijakan terbaru yang mengatur sistem resi gudang di Indonesia. Sistem resi gudang merupakan instrumen penting dalam mendukung pembiayaan sektor pertanian, peningkatan efisiensi pasar, serta penguatan daya saing produk pertanian di pasar global.
In August 2005, eight months after the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami hit Aceh's shores, a peace agreement was signed between the Government of Indonesia (GoI) and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) committed both parties to building mutual confidence and trust and set out a range of agreed principles to guide the war-to-peace transition.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan panduan pekerjaan jalan yang berbasis sumber daya lokal. Dalam pembangunan infrastruktur jalan, penggunaan bahan-bahan lokal tidak hanya dapat mengurangi biaya konstruksi tetapi juga mendukung perekonomian daerah. Panduan ini disusun melalui analisis berbagai jenis material lokal yang dapat digunakan dalam konstruksi jalan, seperti batuan, pasir, dan…
Gender equality for development is a core theme of i2i work and cuts across all thematic areas. We identify two areas of growth for the current i2i gender analytical agenda: design and test gender strategies in areas where gender-specific constraints have been identified; and build the evidence on gender-specific market failures in underserved areas of impact-evaluation practice.
Some of the headings included in this issue of the gender equality as smart economics are: shining a light on women's productivity in Lao People's Democratic Republic; Bank makes new commitments to women's, girls' economic empowerment; tracking gender impact at the International Finance Corporation; women in agriculture; the power of creating economic opportunities for women innovative approach…
This review was undertaken to look at how gender and women's issues had been addressed in other community driven development (CDD) projects to understand about what worked, and why, in order to help influence the National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM) design.
Buku ini mencoba memotret sebuah proses pendalaman demokrasi dan penghormatan terhadap hak-hak asasi yang terjadi di tanah air kita. Terekam disini suatu dinamika dimana perda-perda bernuansa syari’ah yang dianggap mengancam kebebasan sipil dipelajari secara seksama, didiskusikan secara bersama berbagai kelompok masyarakat sipil dari berbagai latar belakang, dan yang kesepaktan apapun yang me…
The best way for households to extricate themselves from poverty is through decent work. Maximising the opportunities for sustainable employment and ensuring its quality are primary objectives of most governments. The more that households are able to engage productively with the labour market, the less will be their requirement for social protection.