As a supervisor in today’s highly competitive world, you must not only get more out of each employee―you must also prove your department’s strategic impact on the organization. This popular, highly practicalguide helps you make your department shine.
A new World Bank Group report, entitled "Teacher Reform in Indonesia: The Role of Politics and Evidence in Policy Making", assesses the impact of the Teacher Law and its reforms, on teacher knowledge, skills, and motivations. Equally importantly, the study looks at student learning outcomes. It also explores the bill’s impact on the financing of education, and on the distribution of teachers …
The Chocolate Therapist answers these questions and more. This book has everything a person needs to know to select the best chocolate for health. Both informative and entertaining, it includes alphabetized ailments, each with a chocolate recommendation, followed by supporting research as to how and why it helps the body.
The Complete Practitioner’s Guide to the Bond Market addresses the principles of the bond market and offers the tools to apply them in the real world. By tying the concepts of fixed-income products to big-picture aspects of the economy, this book prepares readers to apply specific tools and methods that will help them glean profits from the bond market.
A new style of leader is emerging from theworld’s most successful organizations. Thesedynamic men and women are driven by possibilitiesand absolutely committed to mutualvalues. Excited, creative, and alert, they arethe new change makers.
The title of this book illustrates the dual purposes of the volume. One meaning of “The Complexity of Cooperation” refers to the addition of complexity to the most common framework for studying cooperation, namely the two-person iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. Adding complexity to that framework allows the exploration of many interesting and important features of competition and collaboratio…
The world is changing and has neverbeen more challenging to private equityplayers, public companies, and investors. Withrecord market volatility and a global economiccrisis, decision makers of all types canlearn from successful private equity playersand other top value builders.
A workflow of data analysis is a process for managing all aspects of data analysis. Planning, documenting, and organizing your work; cleaning the data; creating, renaming, and verifying variables; performing and presenting statistical analyses; producing replicable results; and archiving what you have done are all integral parts of your workflow.
Pengembangan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) memainkan peran krusial dalam program penanggulangan kemiskinan, terutama melalui aspek perdagangan dan ketenagakerjaan. Artikel ini meninjau berbagai aspek tersebut dengan fokus pada bagaimana UKM dapat berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap pengurangan kemiskinan di Indonesia.
You know how important it is to make an authentic personal connection with clients andpotential customers. You live for elevator pitches and face-to-face contact. You enjoy makingpeople comfortable while offering ways to serve their needs.