Anak kerdil (stunting) merupakan kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak berusia di bawah lima tahun (balita) akibat kekurangan gizi kronis dan infeksi berulang terutama pada 1.000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK). Anak tergolong stunting apabila panjang atau tinggi badan menurut umurnya lebih rendah dari standar nasional yang terdapat pada buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) dan beberapa dokumen lainnya.
Disbursement of Social Assistance Cash Transfers Through Bank Accounts is the result of collaboration between numerous researchers both within and outside TNP2K. The team of professionals that contributed to the writing of this report was led by Maria Abigail Carpio (Senior Consultant, Financial Sector Policy, Oxford Policy Management Ltd). Smita Notosusanto (Director, Oxford Policy Management,…
Traditional poverty measures fail to indicate the degree of risk of becoming or remaining poor that households are confronted to. They can therefore be misleading in the context of implementing poverty reduction policies. In this paper I propose a method to estimate an index of ex ante vulnerability to poverty, defined as the probability of being poor in the (near) future given current observab…
Proxy-means testing (PMT) is a method used to assess household or individual welfare level based on a set of observable indicators. The accuracy, and therefore usefulness of PMT relies on the selection of indicators that produce accurate predictions of household welfare. In this paper I propose a method to identify indicators that are robustly and strongly correlated with household welfare, mea…
Meskipun terus menurun dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, namun terjadi perlambatan dalam penurunannya. Proporsi penduduk miskin Kota Banda Aceh pada tahun 2017 adalah 7,44%. Ini menempatkan Banda Aceh sebagai salah satu kota dengan persentase penduduk miskin terendah antar kota di Provinsi Aceh (15,92%) dan nasional (10,12 %) pada tahun yang bersangkutan. Angka tersebut merupakan hasil dari penuru…
The authors would like to thank Real Rahadinnal, Nathaniel Smith, and Laura Wijaya for their assistance with the data analysis, as well as Indunil De Silva, Fiona Howell, and Sudarno Sumarto for providing helpful comments on the paper, and AusAID for funding the research. The research study was funded by the Poverty Reduction Support Facility (PRSF) managed by GRM International on behalf of Aus…
Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) represent a significant portion of Indonesia’s economic and employment activity. They constitute 98 percent of all businesses and provide 94 percent of employment. MSEs represent the most significant portion of economic activity for the poor population of Indonesia; the poor are more likely than other income groups to use MSEs not only for employment and inc…
Little is known about public health-care supply in Eastern Indonesia, a region that shows worse health outcomes than the rest of the country. Drawing on a new dataset (IFLS East 2012), this paper examines the availability and quality of public health-care facilities (puskesmas and posyandu) in Eastern Indonesia. Our findings suggest that public health-care supply plays a larger and more impo…
Berdasarkan Definisi Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), Cakupan Kesehatan Semesta (UHC) berarti memastikan semua orang yang membutuhkan dapat menggunakan pelayanan kesehatan promotif, preventif, kuratif, rehabilitatif dan paliatif, yang berkualitas dan efektif, tanpa menyebabkan penggunanya mengalami kesulitan keuangan.