Inadequate rural infrastructure creates constraints to economic growth in these areas by limiting productive growth and impeding the development of human capital. Recognition of the rural-poverty-alleviation role of infrastructure development motivated the central government, as well as donor agencies, to direct a significant amount of aid into supporting such projects.
The book "Welfare Aid With A Technological Difference" explores how modern technology is transforming the delivery and reception of welfare aid. In an increasingly connected world, technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things (IoT) have the potential to revolutionize traditional welfare systems that are often slow and inefficient.
esuai dengan arahan Presiden Republik Indonesia, pelaksanaan penyaluran nontunai untuk bantuan pangan diperluas secara bertahap di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Atas arahan tersebut, pada 2017 Program Bantuan Pangan Nontunai (BPNT) mulai dilaksanakan di 44 kota besar dan pada 2018 wilayah pelaksanaan Program BPNT diperluas dalam empat tahap. Perluasan Tahap 1 BPNT 2018 berlangsung pada bulan Apri…
Stunting adalah kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak balita (bayi di bawah lima tahun)akibat dari kekurangan gizi kronis sehingga anak terlalu pendek untuk usianya. Kekurangan gizi terjadi sejak bayi dalam kandungan dan pada masa awal setelah bayi lahir akan tetapi, kondisi stunting baru nampak setelah bayi berusia 2 tahun. Balita pendek (stunted) dan sangat pendek (severely stunted) adalah balita de…
Given the improvement in health indicators and health facilities worldwide, inequity in access to health services is one of the most pertinent and relevant issues for health policy and public health. This paper analyses the extent of the access inequities to various health care services in Indonesia, in conjunction with its recent rapid move towards universal social health insurance (SHI). The …
Pemerintah berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kontribusi usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) terhadap perekonomian. Namun, berbagai program pemberdayaan UMKM yang telah dilaksanakan oleh kementerian dan lembaga (K/L) hasilnya belum optimal. Sebab itu, sinkronisasi dan harmonisasi program pemberdayaan UMKM diperlukan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pelaksanaan program, sehingga bisa meningkatkan …
Centralised targeting registries are increasingly used to allocate social assistance benefits in developing countries. This paper provides the first attempt to identify the relative importance of two key design issues for targeting accuracy: (1) which households to survey for inclusion in the targeting registry and (2) how to rank surveyed households. We evaluate the performance of Indonesia’…
The health benefits to mothers and children in adopting optimal breastfeeding practices are well recognized. However, despite many efforts to promote optimal breastfeeding practices in developing countries, only modest progress has been achieved in past decades. This paper attempts to fill several important research gaps on the socioeconomic determinants of optimal breastfeeding. In contrast…