Laporan Juni 2011 ini memuat perkembangan terkini dan prediksi ke depan ekonomi Indonesia seperti: Kinerja ekonomi Indonesia tetap positif dengan potensi yang lebih baik lagi di masa depan, walaupun demikian, perkembangan terakhir menunjukkan tantangan dan risiko tetap ada. Ekonomi meningkat pada level sedang pada Q1 2011, tapi masih menunjukan pertumbuhan pertumbuhan tahun-ke-tahunnya 6,5 persen.
Buku "Perkembangan Triwulanan Perekonomian Indonesia: Tekanan Meningkat Maret 2013" menyajikan analisis mendalam mengenai kondisi perekonomian Indonesia pada triwulan pertama tahun 2013. Buku ini memberikan gambaran komprehensif tentang berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi perekonomian nasional, serta tantangan yang dihadapi selama periode tersebut.
Buku "Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri" menjelaskan secara mendetail mengenai inisiatif pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kemandirian dan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui berbagai program pemberdayaan. Program ini dikenal sebagai salah satu upaya strategis untuk mengurangi kemiskinan dan memperkuat kapasitas masyarakat di berbagai daerah.
Despite strong economic growth and falling poverty over the last decade, many households continue to live on the edge of poverty. The last decade in Indonesia has seen a return to strong economic growth, and the poverty rate has fallen from 23.4 percent (1999) to 12.5 percent (2011). The falling overall poverty rate, however, partially masks a high degree of vulnerability: much of Indonesia's p…
The Beras untuk Rakyat Miskin (Raskin) program was introduced as an emergency food security program in 1998; it delivers rice to be purchased at subsidized prices, prioritized to poor and near-poor households. In terms of government expenditure, Raskin remains the largest permanent social assistance transfer targeted to poor households in Indonesia.
Practical applications of remote sensing technology in wildlife management. This comprehensive guide provides fundamental information as well as practical applications of remote sensing technology in the wildlife management environment. Pioneering global case studies and illustrative examples are included. The book will be of great interest to both environmental engineers specializing in sustai…
Indonesia is emerging to take its place in the world as a rising middle-income country, confident in its destiny. The road to increasing prosperity and democracy has been as remarkable as it has been difficult. Throughout major social and political upheavals Indonesia has remained resilient.
Community Development adalah kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat sesuai potensinya, yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan yang diarahkan untuk memperbesar akses masyarakat untuk mencapai kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya yang lebih baik apabila dibandingkan dengan kondisi sebelumnya. Kebijakan Community Development perusahaan, tidak hanya menyangkut "harmonisasi" antara perusahaan dan masyarakat, melai…
The report is divided into two parts. The first three chapters show that the vast increase in education resources has not been accompanied by a similar increase in learning outcomes, and thus highlight the urgent need to improve the quality of spending. Chapter one starts by describing the complex financing and governance systems.
The report is divided into two parts. The first three chapters show that the vast increase in education resources has not been accompanied by a similar increase in learning outcomes, and thus highlight the urgent need to improve the quality of spending. Chapter one starts by describing the complex financing and governance systems.