UU Desa memberikan kewenangan dan alokasi dana yang besar kepada desa untuk mengelola pembangunannya secara mandiri. Peningkatan signifikan pendapatan desa, dari sekitar Rp 99 triliun pada periode 2010 – 2014 menjadi Rp 454 triliun pada periode 2015-2019. Beberapa capaian nyata antara lain adanya peningkatan sarana dan prasarana dasar baik jumlah maupun volumenya, perbaikan status IDM maupun …
The BLT cash transfer scheme aimed to reach one-third of Indonesian households to provide some compensation for the reduction in the fuel subsidy at a time of rapid fuel and food – particularly rice – price inflation. Cash was disbursed in several rounds in 2005-2006 and again in 2008-2009. BLT attracted considerable negative public attention due to widespread protests, chiefly as a result …
The Law No. 6 of 2014 about the Village brought fundamental changes in the management, arrangement and implementation of village governance. In village finances, the law governs the source of village income which can implicates the budget allocation for the village, both sourced from the central budget as well as the regional budget. Since the year 2015, the allocation of village funds increase…
Reformasi kebijakan subsidi energi memiliki relevansi sangat kuat dengan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2020-2024, dimana fokus pembangunan diarahkan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat Indonesia yang mandiri, maju, adil, dan makmur melalui percepatan pembangunan di berbagai bidang dengan menekankan terbangunnya struktur perekonomian yang kokoh berlandaskan keunggulan kompetitif d…
The Rice for the Poor programme (Program Subsidi Beras Bagi Masyarakat Berpendapatan Rendah – hereafter the Raskin programme) is a rice sub sidy initiative implemented nationally, across sectors, both horizon tally and vertically. The programme aims to help low-income families meet their basic food needs and thus increase food security throughout Indonesia. The idea behind Raskin is that hous…
To improve the effectiveness and targeting accuracy relating to the implementation of Rastra/Raskin Rice Subsidy Program, the government has stipulated a policy of transforming the Rastra/Raskin Rice Subsidy Program into the Food Social Assistance (Bansos Pangan) Program. In 2017, the Noncash Food Assistance (BPNT) Program was launched in 44 municipalities in replacement of the Rastra/Raskin Su…
The Noncash Food Assistance (BPNT) Program, a transformation of the Welfare Rice Subsidy (Rastra) Program, was launched in the beginning of Fiscal Year 2017 with the target of improving the effectiveness and accuracy of the program as well as promoting inclusive finance. In addition to its transformation from subsidy to social assistance, BPNT also has other reform agenda, including: (1) the tr…
In compliance with the directions from the President, the Noncash Food Assistance Program (Bantuan Pangan Nontunai, BPNT) has been implemented in the context of reforming the Rastra Rice Subsidy Program. The main objective of such food assistance transformation is to ensure that Family Beneficiaries (Keluarga Penerima Manfaat/KPM) would receive the rice in the correct amount, at the right time …
Indonesia’s national health insurance scheme (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional or JKN) is a key element of the Government of Indonesia’s (GOI) commitment to ensuring equitable access to healthcare, especially for the poor and the near-poor. JKN’s contracting with private providers was expected to expand reach faster than simply working through the public sector. The single-payer agency for JKN,…