Inflation accelerated somewhat in 2013 with the “headline” inflation rate in February 2013 at 0.75%, and year-on-year inflation of 5.3%. This was higher than February 2012 (3.6%) but not unusually high by historical standards: from 2007 to 2011 inflation ranged from 2.8% to 11.1% annually. The largest contributor to February inflation was food prices which contributed more than half …
The inflation rate for March 2013 was 0.6%, the highest figure for March for the last five years. Year-on-year it was 5.9%, higher than in 2012 (4%) but still lower than March 2011 (6.65%). The monthly inflation for March is usually low because it coincides with the harvest period.
Sesuai perkiraan, tingkat inflasi Juli sebesar 3,29%, tiga kali lipat inflasi Juni 1,1%. Kontributor terbesar pada inflasi bulan ini adalah kenaikan 9,6% biaya transportasi sebagai dampak pengurangan subsidi BBM serta 5,5% dan 1,5% kenaikan harga bahan makanan dan makanan olahan terkait kenaikan harga BBM serta kenaikan harga makanan yang umum terjadi saat Lebaran.
Pada Mei harga konsumen turun kedua kalinya pada dua bulan terakhir, dengan IHK umum Mei 2013 turun sebesar -0.03% dibandingkan April. Inflasi sangat tinggi pada empat bulan pertama tahun 2013 dikompensasi oleh penurunan pada April – Mei. Karena itu, inflasi year-onyear untuk Mei sebesar 5,5% hanya sedikit lebih rendah dari 5,6% di April. Pemerintah merevisi target inflasi untuk 2013 dari…
As expected, after two consecutive months of deflation, the urban “headline” price index increased in June by 1.03%, in large part due to the fuel subsidy reduction. The resulting increase in the cost of transportation directly contributed more than half (0.57) to the rate of inflation. The uncertainty caused by the long process of deciding on fuel price increases resulted in some incr…
Sesuai perkiraan, setelah dua bulan berturut-turut deflasi, indeks harga umum perkotaan meningkat di bulan Juni sebesar 1,03%, sebagian besar akibat pengurangan subsidi BBM. Kenaikan biaya transportasi sebagai dampak secara langsung berkontribusi lebih dari setengah (0.57) terhadap laju inflasi. Ketidakpastian akibat proses panjang pengambilan keputusan meningkatkan harga BBM mengakibatkan…