Panduan ini merupakan bagian dari seri panduan praktis yang dirancang untuk membantu pengusaha dalam membangun dan mengelola organisasi pengusaha yang efektif, dengan fokus khusus pada advokasi. Dokumen ini memberikan pedoman komprehensif tentang bagaimana organisasi pengusaha dapat berperan aktif dalam advokasi kebijakan yang mendukung sektor bisnis, serta cara mengembangkan strategi advokasi …
The Action Plan, mandated by the ILO policy on gender equality, is a strategic tool to help achieve the goal of equality between women and men in the world of work. Each Action Plan focuses on results and is linked to the organization’s strategic framework and corresponding programme and budgets. The Action Plan uses targets for indicators, which are developed in consultation with strategic d…
HINGGA September 2008, Indonesia merupakan negara dengan kasus infeksi virus flu burung (H5N1) pada manusia tertinggi di dunia. Sekitar 137 orang terinfeksi, 112 di antaranya meninggal dunia atau setara dengan tingkat kematian sebesar 82 persen. Risiko terinfeksi oleh virus flu sangat tinggi, mengingat bahwa 31 dari 33 provinsi menjadi daerah endemi virus flu burung pada peternakan unggas. Kas…
Established in 1919, and since 1946 a specialized agency of the United Nations Organization, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has focused on workplace issues, actively seeking to create decent work for all – work which is freely chosen and performed in an environment of equity and human dignity.
Established in 1919, and since 1946 a specialized agency of the United Nations Organization, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has focused on workplace issues, actively seeking to create decent work for all – work which is freely chosen and performed in an environment of equity and human dignity. W
The World of Work Report 2012 provides a comprehensive analysis of recent labour market and social trends, assesses risks of social unrest and presents employment projections for the next five years. While employment has begun to recover slowly, job quality is deteriorating and there is a growing sense of unfairness.
Sesuai dengan tata cara Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, pencantuman informasi dalam publikasi- publikasi ILO beserta sajian bahan tulisan yang terdapat di dalamnya sama sekali tidak mencerminkan opini apapun dari Kantor Perburuhan Internasional mengenai informasi yang berkenaan dengan status hukum suatu negara, daerah atau wilayah atau kekuasaan negara tersebut, atau status hukum pihak-pihak yang b…
The ILO Jakarta is frequently asked for practical information, data, analysis, and insights into the labour market situation in Indonesia from constituents, concerned donors, researchers, civil society organizations and other interested individual and parties. This report aims at partially filling that request. As such, special care has been taken to ensure that the report is approachable to as…
This report focuses on job-rich growth at the province level. The underlying theme of this report “promoting job-rich growth in provinces” is derived from a guiding policy principle of the current Government, “pro-employment and pro-poor” growth.
In the second half of 2007, a large pilot project of two Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs was initiated by the Government of Indonesia. This pilot project, fitting in an overall national poverty reduction strategy, is motivated by concerns that Indonesia is still lagging behind in a number of health and education outcomes, and that poverty remains a reality for a large part of the Indon…