However, to date Indonesia’s growth performance has remained solid. GDP growth in the first quarter of 2012 was 6.3 percent year-on-year, down slightly from 6.5 percent in 2011 as a whole. Consumption held up well in the first quarter of 2012, investment growth came down while net exports made a negative contribution to growth.
Indonesia was among the top 10 improvers globally in this year’s Doing Business report. Indonesia’s ranking improved from 106 in 2016 to 91 in 2017, thanks in particular to a record seven reforms that eased starting a business, getting electricity paying taxes, registering property, getting credit, enforcing contracts and trading across borders.
Electricity price hikes in 2017 for 900 VA users have contributed to an increase in inflation to 3.9 percent for the first five months of the year. The effects of higher energy costs have been partially offset by lower food inflation. This year’s inflation is expected to average 4.3 percent, remaining within Bank Indonesia’s inflation target band.
Tourism is a promising sector to boost the country’s growth. Growth in this sector could help unlock private investment, create jobs, boost exports and guide infrastructure investments. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, every $1 million in travel and tourism spending supports around 200 jobs and $1.7 million in GDP for Indonesia.
Indonesia’s real GDP growth rose to 5.3 percent as domestic demand strengthened. Private and government consumption accelerated thanks to higher subsidy and personnel spending, as well as a pick-up in credit growth, stable inflation and strong job markets.
The purpose of this report is to identify the nature and key constraints to poverty reduction in today's Indonesia and to provide concrete recommendations on how Indonesia can move forward to achieve its poverty reduction objectives. It aims to contribute to the policy debate and decision-making process in Indonesia by putting forth: (i) new and more comprehensive analysis of empirical poverty …
BUKU PINTAR MENGASUH ANAK adalah buku yang ditulis untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan umum (dan seringkali tidak terduga) tentang masalah-masalah membesarkan anak Anda. Membahas semua topik utama yang muncul selama lima tahun pertama, buku ini memberikan saran yang masuk akal, jawaban cepat, dan informasi penting tentang masalah tidur, makan, kemarahan, keamanan, disiplin, ketakutan, kemandir…
Buku ini merupakan panduan komprehensif yang dirancang untuk membantu individu dan pengusaha dalam mengelola keuangan pribadi dan bisnis serta merencanakan usaha secara efektif. Buku ini mencakup berbagai topik penting, mulai dari dasar-dasar pengelolaan keuangan, teknik penyusunan anggaran, hingga strategi investasi dan pengelolaan utang
In the second half of 2007, a large pilot project of two Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs was initiated by the Government of Indonesia. This pilot project, fitting in an overall national poverty reduction strategy, is motivated by concerns that Indonesia is still lagging behind in a number of health and education outcomes, and that poverty remains a reality for a large part of the Indon…
The joint International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) with Indonesia for FY13-15 bridges the final two years of the administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). Since 2004, Indonesia emerged as a vibrant and stable democracy and as a se…