With the growing intensity of urban problems, most notably poverty, it is imperative to identify the range of related aspects that help or hinder urban poverty reduction efforts. One emerging aspect is the role of city spatial planning in urban poverty reduction efforts. With the support from Ford Foundation, The SMERU Research Institute conducted a study to understand the connection between ci…
To avoid the middle income trap, Indonesia needs to start shifting its economy to highervalue products, which requires a workforce that has an increasingly high level of knowledge, skills, and competencies. This implies that Indonesia needs to put more serious effort into the improvement of the quality of its education system. Currently only 37% of teachers have the appropriate teaching qualifi…
Buku ini adalah laporan resmi yang merangkum pencapaian, kegiatan, dan kinerja organisasi selama tahun 2015. Dengan fokus pada transparansi dan akuntabilitas, laporan ini menyajikan data dan informasi terperinci tentang pendapatan, pengeluaran, proyek-proyek yang dilakukan, serta dampak sosial dan lingkungan yang dihasilkan oleh organisasi. Melalui analisis mendalam, pembaca diajak untuk memaha…
Penelitian dan analisis kualitatif Situasi dan Akses Lansia Terhadap Program Perlindungan Sosial di DKI Jakarta, DI Yogjakarta, dan Bali ini dilakukan oleh The SMERU Research Institute (SMERU) atas permintaan Sekretariat Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K) di Jakarta melanjutkan studi sebelumnya yaitu Situasi Lansia di Indonesia dan Akses Terhadap Perlindungan Sosial: Anal…
Research for this qualitative study was conducted in DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, and Bali by The SMERU Research Institute (SMERU) upon request from the Secretariat of the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) in Jakarta, following the previous study on Elderly Situation in Indonesia and Access to Social Protection: Secondary Data Analysis, published in 2020.